February 26-28, 2017 • Atlanta, GA


  |  Does Follow-Up Hearing Appointment Scheduled by Hospital Staff Prior to Hospital Discharge Improve Loss to Follow-Up Among Newborns Who Fail Newborn Hearing Screening?

Does Follow-Up Hearing Appointment Scheduled by Hospital Staff Prior to Hospital Discharge Improve Loss to Follow-Up Among Newborns Who Fail Newborn Hearing Screening?

Universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) has been implemented in all states and some U.S. territories. All newborns with positive screening are encouraged to follow up to get further hearing tests to confirm hearing status, preferably by three months of age. Louisiana Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program (LA EHDI) implemented UNHS in 2002. Newborns who fail initial hearing screening prior to hospital discharge are advised to have a follow-up hearing appointment for further testing within one month of discharge. A follow-up hearing appointment can be scheduled either by hospital staff prior to hospital discharge, which is recommended by LA EHDI, or by parents after discharge. Scheduling an appointment by hospital staff varies among birthing hospitals in the state. In fact, follow-up status of many failed newborns after discharge is still unknown. In 2015, Louisiana’s loss to follow-up (LTF) rate was 25%. The objective of the study was to identify if there was any relationship between LTF and a follow-up hearing appointment scheduled by hospital staff prior to hospital discharge. 2015 LA EHDI-IS data integrated with birth certificates were used for data analysis. The study included 3,250 newborns who were born in 2015 in Louisiana and failed the initial hearing screening tests prior to hospital discharge. Logistic regression models were conducted to evaluate the relationship. Socioeconomic, demographic, and geographic characteristics were controlled for in adjusted models. Results of data analyses will be presented and discussed during the presentation. Findings from the study are expected to provide EHDI professionals and policy-makers helpful information about effect of follow-up hearing appointment scheduled by hospital staff prior to hospital discharge on loss to follow-up.

  • Understand chanllenges of follow-up after hearing screening
  • Plan to schedule a follow-up prior to discharge
  • Develop strategies to improve loss to follow-up

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Tri Tran (), Louisiana Office of Public Health, EHDI Program, tri.tran@la.gov;
Tri Tran, MD, MPH Senior Epidemiologist


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Jeanette Webb (), Louisiana OPH EHDI Program, jeanette.webb@la.gov;
Janette Webb M.ED


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Terri Ibieta (), Louisiana OPH EHDI Program, terri.ibieta@la.gov;
Terri Ibieta, M.Ed. LA EHDI Program Coordinator


Financial -

Nonfinancial -

Wendy Jumonville (), Louisiana EHDI Program: Office of Public Health, Hearing, Speech and Vision Program, Wendy.Jumonville@LA.GOV;
Wendy A. Jumonville received her Master of Science degree from Purdue University. She has worked as a Pediatric Audiologist at Denver Children’s Hospital, The Louisiana School for the Deaf, and is currently on faculty at LSU BR in The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. She currently provides contract services to EHDI as an Outreach Specialist


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Melinda Peat (), Louisiana OPH EHDI Program, melinda.peat@la.gov;
State Audiology Coordinator, Hearing, Speech and Vision Program (HSV), Children’s Special Health Services (CSHS), Office of Public Health (OPH), Department of Health and Hospitals


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.