February 26-28, 2017 • Atlanta, GA


2/27/2017  |   11:05 AM - 11:35 AM   |  Keeping Up With Families: Texting for Follow-up   |  Hanover D

Keeping Up With Families: Texting for Follow-up

In an effort to improve lost to follow up rates in Iowa, EHDI program personnel have implemented successful strategies to ensure infants are screened, diagnosed and enrolled in early intervention services in a timely manner. This presentation will highlight their latest effort to assist families in hearing healthcare follow-up using a common way of communication in 2016…TEXTING. Participants will learn of the steps taken to successfully set up a pilot to text families of infants still in need of follow up when traditional methods (calling, letters, contacting infants PCP) were unsuccessful. EHDI staff will discuss the importance of involving your legal counsel to ensure confidentiality rules are followed, the computer texting program they selected and important features, development of protocols and scripts used with families to engage further hearing healthcare follow up. Data outcomes for the pilot will be presented and participants will learn about the success of texting families and a couple of challenges. This session will encourage discussion and share ideas on how to implement text messaging in your state.

  • Participants will be able to identify a texting strategy used in Iowa to reduce the numbers of children lost to follow up/documentation.
  • Participants will learn the steps needed to set up a texting pilot in their state.
  • Participants will be able to describe how data can be used to evaluate a quality improvement strategy such as texting.

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Erica Odom (), Iowa Department of Public Health, iyo7@cdc.gov;
Tammy O'Hollearn has been the EHDI Director for Iowa for the last 15 years. She has worked at the Iowa Department of Public Health since 2001. Ms. O’Hollearn provides administrative oversight, budget management, oversees surveillance of the newborn hearing screening and follow-up data base, as well facilitates the day-to-day management of activities to meet program goals. Ms. O’Hollearn works with many stakeholders in the community that assists Iowa EHDI in meeting program goals and strengthen the system of care for Deaf or hard-of-hearing infants. She directs data design, collection, program analyses and evaluation of the EHDI SOC. She serves on many state and national committees and facilitates the Iowa EHDI Advisory Committee. Tammy received a Link Associates Dorothy Schwartz Award in 1993 and ISHA Outstanding Service Award in 2009 and in 2016, the Iowa EHDI program received the EHDI Website of the Year Award.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Shalome Musignac-Jordan (), Iowa Department of Public Health, shalome.musignac-jordan@idph.iowa.gov;
Shalome Musignac-Jordan serves as the follow-up coordinator for Iowa’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program. She has been in this role for the last five years. Ms. Musignac-Jordan is responsible for direct family and physician follow-up, training and use of the EHDI web based data system, developing partnerships with early intervention, medical home and audiological service providers; healthy equity, program evaluation and data analysis. Prior to 2014, she was involved with care coordination for integrated health home, coordinated intake for early intervention, case management and parent education.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.