February 26-28, 2017 • Atlanta, GA


  |  What is Critical Race Theory and Cultural Capital? How Does Medical Professional Capitalized These Framework?

What is Critical Race Theory and Cultural Capital? How Does Medical Professional Capitalized These Framework?

To gain a better understand of the benefits of having a Deaf Mentor, the theoretical framework of Critical Race Theory (CRT; Ladson-Billings, 1998) and the corresponding idea of community cultural wealth re-frame the narrative. The focus is on determining if culture wealth is transferred from the Deaf Mentor to the hearing family with a Deaf child and the impact on the dominant epistemology. CRT highlights the idea of white privilege and focuses on creating a counternarrative through storytelling. The goal is to provide a “voice” for African Americans who have been marginalized and made ‘silent’. The argument is that reality is socially constructed and not apolitical. Rather reality is situational, based on the historical context. Cultural capital includes non-financial resources that help individuals improve their social status. This capital comes in various forms, including human capital (i.e., the “what’ you know), social capital (i.e., “who” you know), and cultural capital (ie., “how” you know). Using these frameworks contrasts with the dominant epistemology, which looks at Deaf people as defective and needing to be fixed. The focus here is on using CRT and the transfer of indigenous Deaf cultural capital to develop the counternarrative that a Deaf child is a visual being; therefore, a different child but not one who is deficit. This counternarrative benefits from the awareness of the Deaf Mentor’s strategies and practices to provide a positive and healthy developmental context for deaf and hard of hearing infants.

  • Understand the importance of including Deaf professionals
  • Gain understand of how Deaf/HH can benefit your practice or intervention
  • How to empower deaf/HH children and their families

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Beth Hamilton (), N/A, BMHamilton5@gmail.com;
A dynamic educator, researcher, and presenter, Dr. Beth M. Hamilton specializes in early language and child development among deaf and hard of hearing children. She works as deaf/hard of hearing Educational Consultant around the nation. She holds a doctoral degree in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education from Lamar University and master degree in education and a bachelor degree in art therapy from Marylhurst University. She also has certifications in conflict and resolution mediation and early intervention.


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