Presenter Information:
Presenter 1: Name: Susan Lenihan


Dr. Lenihan is a Professor and the Director of Deaf Education at Fontbonne University in St. Louis, MO. Her research interests include family-centered early intervention, children using cochlear implants, literacy development and professional preparation of teachers and speech-language pathologists. She is currently working with a group of professionals in San Jose, Costa Rica on early intervention services and early childhood deaf education.
Presenter 2: Name: Gale Rice

Dr. Rice is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication Disorders and Deaf Education at Fontbonne University. Her areas of interest include language and literacy in children with disabilities and children with craniofacial anomalies.
Author Information:
Author 1: Name: Susan Lenihan
Affiliation: Fontbonne University
Author 2: Name: Gale Rice
Affiliation: Fontbonne University
Abstract Information:
Title: Supporting Family Literacy with Research-Based Strategies
Primary Track: 3-Early Intervention
Keyword(s): Early intervention, parents, literacy


For several decades research has demonstrated the importance of joint book reading for young children, including children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Joint book reading is also highly effective for children who are newly identified and who are receiving early intervention services through Part C. Several organizations including the International Reading Association (IRA), EvenStart, Reading is Fundamental, the Hanen Centre and the Clerc Center provide suggestions and guidance for shared reading. This presentation will summarize the research findings, provide a model of parent education in a small group setting, and recommend strategies for early interventionists working individually with families, coaching parents to increase the effectiveness of joint book reading. Strategies will include research-based methods such as dialogic reading, text talk, adult-child interactive reading inventory, and the joint book reading observational protocol. The presentation will include examples of materials and strategies from a project completed by the authors with a group of early interventionists and the families they served. This project followed the guidelines of IRA and the Hanen Program emphasizing a partnership with the families, culturally responsive activities, a strengths perspective, and the use of books as a tool for communication. Video of families using the strategies will be presented and participants will receive a list of the key resources for supporting families in literacy. The presentation will include some preliminary analysis of survey data from the families.
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available