Presenter Information:
Presenter 1: Name: Kathryn Aveni

Affiliation: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services

Kathryn Aveni, RNC, MPH has worked as a Research Scientist with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services’ EHDI program since 2002. She provides grant management and administrative oversight for the NJ EHDI activities and is responsible for the creation and maintenance of an EHDI database. Ms. Aveni received her BS in Nursing from the University of Virginia and her MPH from Columbia University. Prior experiences include L&D nursing, childbirth education, data analysis for a health care insurance company, and data analysis for a regional maternal-child health organization.
Author Information:
Author 1: Name: Kathryn Aveni
Affiliation: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Author 2: Name: Leslie Beres-Sochka
Affiliation: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Author 3: Name: Linda Biando
Affiliation: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Author 4: Name: Nancy Schneider
Affiliation: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Abstract Information:
Title: Assessing and Encouraging Compliance with 2007 JCIH Recommendations
Primary Track: 7-Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Keyword(s): Hearing Screening, Data Analysis, Policy


The New Jersey EHDI Program is encouraging hospitals and audiologists to follow the guidelines in the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) 2007 Position Statement. While the JCIH Statement is considered the national standard for newborn hearing screening, its recommendations may not be implemented for various reasons, including fiscal, organizational or time issues; or lack of provider awareness or acceptance of the Position Statement. This presentation will describe New Jersey’s assessment of compliance with some JCIH 2007 recommendations, and review strategies for encouraging adoption of these recommendations. In August 2008, the EHDI program began including three new rates in quarterly data reports distributed to each hospital: percent of NICU babies receiving ABR screening; percent of babies referring on inpatient ABR that receive outpatient ABR; and percent of babies with a unilateral inpatient refer that have bilateral outpatient follow-up. Statewide rates for 10/1/07 to 6/30/08 were 84.1%, 49.3% and 90.9%, respectively. Hospital performance was discussed during annual hospital EHDI reviews. Additionally, hospitals are assessed annually for compliance with regulations which include a reference to the “current” JCIH Position Statement. To encourage compliance with the 2007 Statement by audiologists in outpatient settings, changes were made to New Jersey’s outpatient follow-up form to reflect revisions in the Position Statement. Also, system enhancements were made to the electronic version of the follow-up form, preventing submission of a “non-JCIH-compliant” exam. Education to audiologists and physicians about the 2007 Statement is another ongoing effort. This presentation will describe the positive and negative feedback the New Jersey EHDI program has received on implementation of the 2007 Position Statement recommendations. It will focus primarily on the JCIH revisions regarding inpatient screening and outpatient follow-up, and discuss only briefly the other areas with new recommendations (EI, infrastructure, etc.).
Presentation(s): Not Available
Handouts: Not Available