Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Submittal is now closed.

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Abstracts Due: Monday, November 2, 2009, 12:00 midnight (Eastern Standard Time) Notification of abstract acceptance: December 7, 2009

Abstract Submission
Abstracts for breakout and poster sessions for the 2010 National EHDI Conference are being requested. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is Monday, November 2, 2009 at 12:00 midnight (Eastern Standard Time). Electronic (online) submission of abstracts is required and can be done at https://ehdiconference.org/archive/2010/users/Login.cfm beginning September 28, 2009. To submit an abstract for either a presentation or a poster you must provide a title, a brief description of the content (maximum of 300 words), and information about the author(s).

Abstract Notification
Contributors will be notified about whether the abstract has been accepted on or about December 4, 2009. (If you have not received notification by December 7th, please contact ehdiconference@usu.edu)

Presentation Formats
Abstracts for the 2010 EHDI Conference will be considered for either a breakout presentation or for a poster session. As part of the online submission process you may indicate your preference for your abstract to be considered for:

  1. A breakout presentation only
  2. A poster session only
  3. Either a breakout presentation or poster session

Abstracts for presentations or posters can be submitted in one of the following nine program tracks. All presenters are encouraged to include information in the abstract that demonstrates collaboration among EDHI stakeholders. The tracks (along with a few illustrative ideas for each track which are not meant to be limiting) are listed below.

  • EHDI Program Enhancement (e.g., efforts to improve any component of an EHDI program, systems change initiatives, protocol improvement, extending EHDI to other populations)
  • Audiological Assessment and Intervention (improving diagnostic protocols, fitting and management of hearing aids, cochlear implants, or FM systems, access to hearing aids)
  • Early Intervention and Beyond (improving programs for 0-5 year olds, coordination and communication among early intervention and EHDI programs, transition between programs, the role of non-Part C services, providing culturally competent services)
  • Medical Home (e.g., better involvement of health care providers, efficient use of specialists such as genetics and ophthalmology, screening during well-child care)
  • Follow-up, Tracking, and Data Management (e.g., strategies for improving loss to follow-up, innovative tracking systems, using tracking information for quality improvement)
  • Family Issues (e.g., what do families like and dislike about EHDI programs, how to use parents efficiently in program administration, implementing effective parent support programs, parent education)
  • EHDI Workforce Issues (e.g., educating EHDI participants-pre-service and in-service, workforce shortages and how to reduce them, knowledge gaps)
  • Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance (e.g., quality improvement efforts, results of statewide program evaluations, reporting to funders and administrators)
  • Policy, Advocacy, and Legislative Issues (e.g., mandates for insurance coverage for hearing aids, securing funding for program improvement, public awareness campaigns)

Abstracts that are considered to be a commercial product endorsement in the opinion of the EHDI Program Committee will not be accepted. All abstracts must be in English. Abstracts will not be edited. After an abstract is submitted, no changes of author, affiliation, title, or text of the abstract, other than those due to typographical errors, are permitted. Presenters must register for the EHDI conference.

Abstract Review and Scoring
Abstracts will be reviewed and scored according to the following criteria by a committee appointed by the EHDI Program Committee.

  1. Relevance / significance to EHDI [1 - 10 points]
  2. General interest to participants [1 - 5 points]
  3. Innovation / originality of work [1 - 5 points]
  4. Overall Clarity [1 - 5 points]

Submission Agreement
Abstract submitters agree to the following terms related to the presentations/posters and their use by the EHDI Program Committee:

  • Understand that acceptance of the presentation/poster does not imply payment or reimbursement for travel expenses to attend conference, including the registration fee.
  • Agree to present this presentation/poster on the date, time, and track assigned by the EHDI Program Committee during March 1 - 2, 2010.
  • Understand that for breakout presentations only the following audio/visual equipment will be provided: Computer, LCD projector, screen, podium and microphone. Internet access will NOT be provided.
  • Unless contrary notification is given to the EHDI Program Committee by February 15, 2010, grant all of the necessary rights to record each presentation/poster in any audio and/or video formats, use each presentation/poster in printed, digital or electronic form, and make it available online following the conference. Except as noted above, when Power Points are used as a part of the presentation, they will be posted on the Conference web site as protected Portable Document Format (PDF) so the material cannot be altered.
  • Agree to email an electronic copy of their breakout session PowerPoint™ presentation as an email attachment to the EHDI Program Committee prior to February 16, 2010.
  • Understand and agree that the EHDI Program Committee need only notify the abstract submitter of the acceptance for the terms stated herein to be binding.

Presenter Guidelines and Suggestions

Start by reading these tips from Jeffrey Cufaude's Blog entitled: Idea Architects


  • If you plan on using interactive techniques remember to plan the appropriate amount of time required to allow your audience to interact.
  • Create opportunities for participants to share with others and compare information, offer data, react to ideas, or answer questions.
  • Help participants interact with the information you are presenting (interactive handouts with fill-ins and brainstorm lists).
  • Allow participants to observe the subject or action you are presenting.
  • Rehearse your presentation beforehand to make sure your presentation is not too long or too short. The actual delivery of the presentation usually takes longer than the rehearsal.
  • The average 8 1/2 page, typed, double spaced with one-inch margins contains 250 words. The average speaker can present approximately 6 of these pages in 12 minutes. Have text that is highly legible with well-marked cues for visuals.
  • Speak directly into the microphone in a normal voice and do not handle the microphone while speaking. There should be a comfortable distance between your mouth and the microphone. If you turn away from the microphone the audience may not hear your voice.
  • During the question and answer period of your session, repeat all questions and/or comments into the microphone.
  • Make sure to look up at the audience and shift your gaze around the room.
  • Use active words, brief and concise phrases and short sentences.
  • If you are using materials in your presentation (pictures, charts, graph, etc.) that are not original work, remember to cite the source.
  • Give participants 3-4 seconds to adjust to a new image/slide before you begin speaking again. This will also give you a chance to take a deep breath.

Most common complaints attendees have of speakers:

  • Spoke too fast. If you think you are speaking too fast, you most likely are. Speak loudly and clearly.
  • Topic discussed did not match the information listed in the abstract.
  • Too much information was presented.
  • Did not speak into the microphone, mumbled or spoke too softly.
  • Did not repeat questions asked by the audience into the microphone.
  • Visual aids were cluttered and hard to read.

Power Point Tips

  • Keep your slides as "clean" as possible - minimize text, logos and background pictures.
  • Use no more than 8 lines of text in an easy to read, 24-point font.
  • Avoid using all capitals, use bold or italics for emphasis.
  • Clearly label graphs and charts.
  • Use contrasting colors when choosing backgrounds and text colors. The best combination is a blue background with white or yellow lettering or white background with black or blue text. Avoid using red text.

Poster Guidelines and Suggestions

One standard size poster board will be provided for displaying your poster. You will need to bring all materials that you will need to display the poster on the board. You may use push-pins or Velcro to mount materials on the board. However, if you plan to use Velcro, bring double-sided tape and apply it on-site. Other materials suggested for you to bring include: tacks, tape measure, scissors, tape, markers, and poster icons if you choose to use them. Bring copies of your complete paper or/and any other non-promotional materials/handouts to distribute to attendees.

Preparing a Poster

  1. Create a sign for the top of the board with the poster title, author(s) and affiliation name. Sign lettering should not be less than one-inch (1") high (30-36 points).
  2. Prepare a written summary of your project. It is suggested that most posters be organized to include the following sections:
    1. Objective(s)/Purpose of the study, project or activity
    2. Methods used conducting the study, project or activity
    3. Results of the study, project or activity
    4. Conclusions/Evaluation of the study, project or activity
  3. Viewers should be able to understand your poster without listening to an explanation or reading a report. To improve readability of your poster, consider the following:
    Text. Use a minimal amount of text. Focus on 2 or 3 main points. Use one-line phrases with bullets to highlight key points rather than full sentences. Break up large amounts of text with indented paragraphs and subheadings.
    Type. Use large lettering, at least 3/8" high (24-30 points), but do not use all upper case letters. Simple, easy to read fonts, such as Arial, work best. If text is not readable from 3 to 5 feet away, the print is too small.
    Graphics. Use basic charts, graphs, tables, clip art, drawings, symbols, color print and photos to illustrate key points.

Schedule and Format of Poster Session

  1. Poster Authors: Only authors who are Annual Conference registrants can display posters at the conference.
  2. Format: Posters are supposed to be an informal, "no lecture" format. It is not necessary to prepare a formal presentation-just be prepared to discuss any aspect of your paper on a one-to-one basis and to network with attendees.
    1. Attendees appreciate handouts. if you would like to provide handouts, feel free to bring them. Handouts must be non-commercial.
    2. Plan to be available at your poster to talk with conference attendees during your designated Poster Session time.
  3. Time and Location: Information on the exact time and location of the poster sessions will be shared once the conference agenda is determined.
  4. Poster Set-up/Removal: Poster board will be available for pick-up in the conference registration area on Sunday evening, February 28 or early morning on Monday, March 1. Posters should be mounted on the poster board and set on the designated easel before 8:30 am on Monday, March 1, 2010. Posters must be removed on Tuesday, March 2, 2009 by 4:30 pm. Materials left after this time will be discarded.
  5. Length of Session: Posters must be displayed during the entire poster session with at least one author available at the poster during the poster session. The exact day and time of poster session will be announced once the conference agenda is determined. Authors are welcome to remain with their posters after the session, but it is not required.
  6. Poster Tone: Displays must be content-related and reflect a scientific, unbiased, non-commercial tone. Authors should not distribute promotional materials.
  7. Presenter Resources: The following internet sites contain useful suggestions for preparing effective posters: