Title: 'SMARTSign-Mobile Sign Language Learning'
Track: 8-Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): learning sign language
Learning Objectives: The person will be able to download and use the SMARTSign application to learn signs anywhere, anytime


SMARTSign (Support Made Available in Real Time-Sign) provides hearing families of deaf children with a free cell phone-based service that will remove several obstacles to learning sign. SMARTSign-Express will allow them to “call” for the video of a sign at any time, in any situation, in order to facilitate immediate communication with their deaf child or to learn a sign for later interaction with the child. Speech input will be used to “call” for a sign. SMARTSign-Alert will send the user short facts on deaf culture, education, and ASL grammar that are selected to provide positive, useful information. It will also send short quizzes and casual games based on the words the person requests in order to review and reinforce that vocabulary. Our presentation will also describe the development of SMARTSign, describing the input parents have supplied as consultants. SMARTSign will be available for Droid phones before the conference presentation.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Harley Hamilton - Georgia Institute of Technoloogy
     Credentials: PhD
      Dr. Hamilton had worked at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf for thirty years before assuming the position of Senior Reseacrh Scientist at Georgia Tech. His work focuses on the use of technology to enhance language acquisition and language comprehension
Kimberly Weaver - Georgia Institute of Technoloogy
     Credentials: Doctoral student
      BIO: Ms. Weaver is a doctoral student in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. Her studies focus on Human Computer Interaction.
Valerie Summet - Emory University
     Credentials: PhD
      BIO: Dr.Summet is an assistant professor in the College of Computing at Emory University
Thad Starner - Georgia Institute of Technoloogy
     Credentials: PhD
      BIO: Dr. Starner is the head of the Contextual Computing Group at Georgia Tech. His research intersts include, sign language recognition, wearable computers, and human computer interaction.