Title: 'Social Media and Family Support in EHDI'
Track: 1-EHDI Program Enhancement
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): Social Media Family Support Facebook
Learning Objectives: *Learn how to navigate the most popular social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, wikis and more) *Explore how to start up your own social media pages and manage them *Use social media sites as a networking tool to connect with other deaf and hard of hearing families *Use social media to stay abreast of what is happening in the world as it relates to the deaf and hard of hearing community.


How do you let families with babies who are deaf or hard of hearing know there will be a picnic next Saturday? Or that a critical piece of EHDI legislation is about to be heard in congress and needs support from the field? The many ways of using the internet to get or give news and information are known as “social media.” This session explores common applications (like Facebook, Twitter, wikis, and more) and shares specific examples of how to use social media as an effective outreach tool. How can social media be utilized to help families? What is a “listening platform”? Learn what social media users are looking for, ideas for helping families, and how other service organizations that successfully used this to reach families.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
John Payne - Nebraska Hands and Voices
     Credentials: Presented in Kansas City about Social Media. Co-presenting with Katie Dagenais at this conference
     Other Affiliations: Hands and Voices of Nebraska
      John is married to a wonderful woman named Laryssa and privileged to have two wonderful children, Jasper and Elani. During the day, John works in technical support for a large school district. He has experience as a software trainer, a middle school teacher and a door-to-door doughnut salesman.