Title: 'Ensuring Language Acquisition: ASL and English'
Track: 3-Early Intervention and Beyond
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): language acquisition, ASL, English
Learning Objectives: Appreciate and understand the role of ASL in language acquisition of English, and be able to identify the mechanisms needed to integrate ASL fully into EHDI programs


The earliest years of a child’s life are the most critical for language acquisition, a time when the foundation is formed for cognitive and literacy development. Babies are born with the innate ability to acquire languages accessible to them and used by their families and care providers. Language competency is essential for cognitive, social, emotional, and psychological development. As a fully accessible visual language, American Sign Language (ASL) should be made available to every deaf infant, in addition to any assistive technologies that may be used to take increase the deaf infant’s access to the spoken language(s) used by their families and care providers. Incorporating early acquisition and learning of ASL and English maximizes the potential for language proficiency in deaf infants through the implementation of a dual language approach. Indeed, studies have shown that early exposure and use of ASL enhances a deaf or hard of hearing child’s development of English language skills. Preparing deaf children to achieve optimal linguistic fluency in both ASL and English enables them to become fully participating, contributing, and productive members of American society. This workshop will provide EHDI professionals with the opportunity to explore further the value of and mechanisms needed to integrate ASL fully into EHDI programs.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Debra Patkin - National Association of the Deaf
     Credentials: NAD Staff Attorney
      Debra Patkin is a staff attorney with the NAD. Her job duties include litigating civil-rights cases, handling consumer inquiries regarding legal issues, and outreach/education. Prior to joining the NAD, she worked as a litigation attorney at the Disability Rights Legal Center in Los Angeles, California. Debra received her J.D. from the UCLA School of Law. She also has a M.A. in Linguistics from Gallaudet University and a B.S. in Psychology from R.I.T.