Title: 'Establishing ENT Guidelines for Infants Diagnosed with Hearing Loss'
Track: 4-Medical Home
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): otologic evaluation JCIH
Learning Objectives: state the components that are necessary in a comprehensive otologic evaluation following confirmation of hearing loss in infants.


According to the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing 2007 Position Statement, 'The success of EHDI programs depends on families working in partnership with professionals as a well coordinated team. The roles and responsibilities of each team member should be well defined and clearly understood. Essential team members are the birth hospital,families,pediatricians or primary health care professionals,audiologists, otolaryngologists,speech-language pathologists,educators of children who are deaf and hard of hearing'. The Michigan EHDI Program Parent Survey indicates that physicians are often telling parents not to worry about the hearing screening results or to wait until their baby is older for further testing. Additional feedback from parents has shown that many ENT's in the community are unaware of the EHDI process. A document was established as a product of the Michigan EHDI Advisory Committee's desire to ensure families access to pediatric otolarygnology services that are in agreement with current JCIH recommendations. The document will be shared with the audience.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Lorie Lang - MI Dept. of Community Health/EHDI
     Credentials: Licensed Audiologist M.A. CCC-A
     Other Affiliations: ASHA
      Lorie Lang is an audiologist with the Michigan Department of Community Health’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program. She works closely with hospitals, physicians and audiologists across the State regarding clinical issues with newborn hearing screening. In addition, she provides consultative services to Medicaid and Children’s Special Health Care Services as well as Michigan’s school hearing screening program. Lorie has worked in a variety of clinical and educational settings with an interest in pediatric audiology. She received her Master’s Degree from Michigan State University and holds the State of Michigan licensure in Audiology
Colleen Barry - Sparrow Hospital
     Credentials: M.D.
      Dr. Colleen Barry, M.D. Director Newborn Teaching Service - Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI. Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, Michigan State University.