Title: 'Improving Lost to Follow-up: Meeting Families Where They Are At'
Track: 2-Audiological Assessment and Intervention
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): loss to follow up, audiology services
Learning Objectives: At the end of the sessions, participants will be able to 1. Identify how Children's Hospital of WI improved thier lost to follow up rates, 2. Identify ways they may improve lost to follow up rates in thier area.


This presentation will feature one of the Wisconsin Sound Beginning’s Outreach and Coordination Center Projects. This EHDI funded project focuses on reducing loss to follow-up in Urban Milwaukee while creating improved access to pediatric audiology services in Southern Wisconsin. Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin is the largest pediatric facility in WI and serves Wisconsin, northern Illinois and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The clinic is situated on a large and somewhat intimidating campus on the far east side of Milwaukee. In an attempt to reduce loss to follow-up, the service provision model has been significantly altered with a focus on bringing pediatric audiology services to families in three ways: · Every attempt is made to completed diagnostic auditory evoked potentials on the neonates before discharge to eliminate the need for follow-up after discharge with particularly medically complicated babies. · The second was to spread the knowledge and capacity of the overbooked Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin – Audiology clinic to open additional appointment slots that had been restricted by lack of space for follow up newborn hearing screening appointments and reduces the time to next available appointment for diagnostic audiology. In response to the need identified through the Wisconsin Sound Beginnings Quality Improvement initiative, the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin – Audiology clinic has opened an additional location and has audiology services there 7 days per month. The main campus has also expanded work hours to allow for before work and after work appointment slots. · Finally, the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin – Audiology clinic is now providing newborn hearing screenings and diagnostic services at an inner city primary care clinic called16th Street Clinic. The 16th street clinic features bilingual physicians, nurses, and reception staff and serves a majority Latino population. By bringing services to families, we are reducing loss to follow-up in Wisconsin.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Lori Wiorek - Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
     Credentials: Au.D., CCC-A
      I completed by Bachelor's degree and Master's degree at Michigan State University. In 2007, I obtained my Doctorate degree from A.T. Still Univeristy. I have been employed at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin for 21 years, where I provide a full array of services to children. My focus has been newborn hearing screening. I have been involved with Wisconsin's Sound Beginnings Program for many years.