Title: 'Integrated Data Systems: Successes and Challenges in the Indiana EHDI Program'
Track: 5-Follow-up, Tracking, and Data Management
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): data, integrated, lost to follow-up, short and long-term follow-up
Learning Objectives: 1)Discuss benefits and challenges of Indiana’s integrated data system 2)Discuss possible opportunities for integration in their home state 3)Discuss data items collected and sources of the data items


Over the last five years Indiana has developed a web-based data system called EARS (EHDI Alert Response System) which is integrated into the Indiana State Department of Health’s IDS (Integrated Data Store). EARS was developed to improve communication among EHDI staff, families, hospitals, audiologists and physicians and to improve data reporting capabilities. Statewide implementation of EARS occurred in late 2008 and early 2009. To date all birthing hospitals have been trained and are actively using this web-based system to report children not screened and those in need of follow-up after newborn screening. In addition, approximately 75 audiologists have submitted diagnostic reports to the EHDI program with the majority of those being submitted electronically into EARS. Through EARS letters and emails can be generated and documentation related to faxes and phone calls can be captured. The EARS alert mechanism identifies children in need of follow-up at any given time. This dynamic list of Alerts has improved the timeliness and efficiency with which EHDI staff follow-up with families, hospitals, audiologists and primary care providers. Once a child is diagnosed with permanent hearing loss short-term follow-up data is collected by the EHDI Parent Consultants or through the Guide By Your Side Program. This data is then captured in EARS to prompt later follow-up and for later data reporting. During this presentation, EHDI team members will discuss 1) how EARS is used on a day-to-day basis, 2) what data items are collected, 3) challenges and benefits of being part of an integrated data system, and 4) reports that can be run.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Julie Schulte - Indiana State Department of Health
     Credentials: MA, CCC-A
      Julie Schulte, M.A., CCC-A is the EHDI Follow-up Coordinator for the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) at the Indiana State Department of Health. Julie has worked with the EHDI Program since 2005. Prior to working in the EHDI Program, Julie worked as an audiologist in several different capacities including a clinician on a cochlear implant team, a researcher examining the speech and language development of children with cleft lip and palate, an aural rehabilitationist working with deaf and hard of hearing children receiving early intervention services, and a clinical audiologist providing diagnostic audiology and hearing aid services.
Gayla Hutsell Guignard - Indiana State Dept. of Health
     Credentials: MA, CCC-A/SLP, LSLS Cert AVT
     Other Affiliations: NCHAM
      Gayla Hutsell Guignard, M.A., CCC-A/SLP, LSLS Cert AVT is the Program Director for the Indiana Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program. Prior to coming to the EHDI program, Gayla was employed with the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Gayla also spent several years of her career at the University of Tennessee Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology as a Clinical Supervisor in the Child Hearing Services section. In addition to her work with the Indiana EHDI program, Gayla has recently acted as a consultant to the Indiana Office of Management and Budget in its charge by the Indiana General Assembly to develop a transition plan that will establish the new Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education in July, 2013. Gayla is also consultant with the National Center on Hearing Assessment and Management’s (NCHAM) EHDI Network.
Ben Klopfer - Indiana State Department of Health
     Credentials: MCTS MCBMSS IASO
      Ben is the lead developer in the Genomis and Newborn Screening Department at the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH). Ben received is Bachelor of Science from Indiana University in 2004 with degrees in Informatics, Computer Science, and Information Technology. After graduation Ben worked at Time Warner Inc., Integrity Consulting, and Epic Systems Corporation using his extensive knowledge in IT support, web application development, and EMR application development.