Title: 'Parent Panel: Our Journey to Today and Our Wish for Tomorrow'
Track: 8-Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): family-centered support; families’ view of the EHDI process; program improvement; engaging active participation of parents.
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the experiences that some families have had with EHDI programs. 2. Identify challenges that families have encountered. 3. Describe at least three areas for program improvement.


EHDI professionals are in the honored and challenging position to counsel and guide families at a critical time in their lives. This session will offer conference attendees a chance to meet parents and families raising children who are deaf or hard of hearing in a listening and spoken language environment. Learn of their successes, struggles and joys through a panel format with lots of conversation and questions/answers. Included in this session will be a brief description of the certification for Listening and Spoken Language Specialists – the only certification to identify qualified professionals when seeking a listening and spoken outcome.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Carianne Muse - Parent
     Credentials: Masters Degree in Public Health
      Carianne Muse has worked as a public health professional, supporting organization of programs to from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to the local public health level. She experienced the personal odyssey of a hearing loss diagnosis of her infant daughter beginning in the summer of 2009. Ms. Muse has made professional presentations on public health topics at national conferences.