Title: 'Improving Access: An Out of Hospital Birth Project'
Track: 1-EHDI Program Enhancement
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): data, reporting, out of hospital births, midwives
Learning Objectives: -understand challenges out of hospital providers face in providing universal newborn hearing screenings -how to approach technologically resistant families -how to forge successful partnerships with out of hospital providers -learn about


In Wisconsin, nearly 1200 babies are born at home or at a free standing birth hospital annually. Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, the state’s EHDI program, partnered with the Wisconsin Guild of Midwives to perform an assessment of current resources, identify areas of need, and develop a plan to improve access to hearing screenings throughout the out of hospital birth population. The project resulted in the creation of an EHDI Midwife Champion, the purchase of eleven OAE screeners, and a training schedule targeted to provide regional access to equipment. Attendees of this breakout presentation will learn from the challenges faced by project team members, broaden their understanding of out of hospital births, and leave with tools to improve their own out of hospital screening protocols. The presentation will also address data collection challenges and cultural barriers related to serving technologically resistant populations. It is anticipated that this information will be helpful for other states with high out of hospital birth counts or those who wish to improve their relationships with providers of midwifery care.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Gretchen Spicer - Wisconsin Guild of Midwives
     Credentials: Certified Professional Midwife Licensed Midwife
     Other Affiliations: Wisconsin Guild of Midwives
      CPM LM
Megan O'Hern - Wisconsin Sound Beginnings
     Credentials: WE-TRAC Project Manager
      WE-TRAC Project Manager