Title: 'Teleaudiology: The Key to Serving Rural Populations'
Track: 2-Audiological Assessment and Intervention
Audience: Primary Audience:
Secondary Audience:
Tertiary Audeince:
Keyword(s): telemedicine, audiology, outreach, improvement,
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the value of utilizing teleaudiology to reduce loss to follow-up in rural settings. Participants will be able to identify scheduling, equipment, and staffing needs to successfully establish a teleaudiology practice.


The presentation will provide a brief overview of past and present telehealth applications in audiology, as well as teleaudiology services being implemented in rural Wisconsin. A videotaped demonstration will allow participants to view the pilot project currently underway at the Marshfield Clinic. This pilot has redcued travel tome to pediatric follow-up from four hours to less than 45 minutes by adding more than 20 outreach sites.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
Cindy See - Marshfield Clinic
     Credentials: Au.D.
      Dr. Cynthia See is an audiologist at the Marshfield Clinic with a special interest in pediatrics. In collaboration with the Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, she is on a team to improve early hearing detection and intervention in Central and Nothern Wisconsin. Dr. See serves as the Clinical Audiologist to the Wisconsin Newborn Screening Program Hearing Subcommittee.