Title: 'Hands & Voices Project - Baby's First Test '
Track: 6 - Follow-up, Tracking and Data Management
Keyword(s): screening, timely follow -up, disseminate, educate, outreach
Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will be able to identify resources to help educate parents of the importance for NBHS and timely follow up to a did not pass/ refer result
  2. Participants will be able to review results from the Baby's First Test project data
  3. Participants will be able to discuss opportunities to utilize trained parents in their training to professionals who conduct newborn hearing screening


Hands & Voices announces Baby’s First Test Challenge Award through Genetic Alliance, INC. The newborn hearing screening community is one of great innovation. In light of this tradition, Baby’s First Test through the Genetic Alliance awarded Hands & Voices headquarters with the Challenge Award. This grant opportunity was given to organizations to integrate Baby’s First Test into new or existing outreach, engagement, or education efforts. Hands & Voices worked with Baby’s First Test to disseminate 750 copies of the Hands & Voices “Loss and Found” video and informational packets to hospitals, birthing centers, prenatal classes, state EHDI Taskforces, and other relevant groups. Hands & Voices recruited a combination of 28 H&V Chapters and interested EHDI partners from all regions of the United States to disseminate the “Loss and Found” videos and informational packets by July 31st, 2014 to 3 sites per each of the 28 states where a H&V Chapter and/or EHDI partner agreed to assist with dissemination. This presentation will share information about the scope of the project, the resources disseminated, the types of sites who received the information, and survey data from both those who disseminated the information and those who received the information. Additional anecdotal information gained through the project that could potentially increase awareness about the importance of newborn hearing screening will also be shared.
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Lisa Kovacs - Primary Presenter,POC
Hands & Voices
     Credentials: Parent
      Lisa lives in Indiana with her husband Brian and four children. Her son has severe hearing loss and Auditory Neuropathy. Lisa is the Director of Programs for Hands & Voices HQ, founding board member of IN Hands & Voices, and she’s been with Hands & Voices since 2004. She serves on the AAP EHDI Task Force, co-chair of the Indiana Department of Education Special Education Advisory Council, and board member of Coalition for Global Hearing Health. Lisa has extensive training and experience in special education advocacy. She is passionate about training other parents to recognize their strengths and abilities so they feel confident to make educated decisions and advocate for their children. Most importantly, Lisa hopes that through training parents, there will ultimately be more children who can advocate for themselves. Lisa enjoys reading, running, watching her children participate in sporting events, and spending time with her family.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.