Title: 'The Picture Perfect Transition to Preschool'
Track: 7 - Family Perspectives and Support
Keyword(s): Preschool, Language Acquisition, Cochlear Implant, Hearing Aids, Parents
Learning Objectives:
  1. identify key questions to ask a preschool placement to determine appropriate fit for a student with hearing loss.
  2. effectively use the checklist to understand language opportunities throughout the preschool day of a child with hearing loss


The transition from home based services to school based services can be uncertain for families of children with hearing loss. Parents often wonder what they need to look for in an appropriate placement for their child. The Picture Perfect Preschool is a parent checklist created by MED-EL Corporation as part of their BRIDGE Aural Rehabilitation Materials. For parents, this checklist acts as a guide in observing preschool placements and determining an appropriate educational setting. For educators, the Picture Perfect Preschool is a guide for best practices for children with hearing loss. This interactive workshop will allow for dialogue and video modeling as participants look through the Picture Perfect Preschool Checklist. The presentation will walk through a day in the life of a preschooler and highlight the language opportunities throughout the day. Additional topics will also include home based activities that can prepare a child for a successful preschool experience.
Presentation: This presentation has not yet been uploaded or the speaker has opted not to make the presentation available online.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
CART: CART Transcription is not Available
Lyra Repplinger - Primary Presenter
     Credentials: MS Deaf Education
     Other Affiliations: Consumer Outreach Manager, MW Region MED-EL
      Lyra Repplinger, M.S., received her Bachelors Degree in Communication Sciences from Augustana College and her Masters in Deaf Education from Illinois State University. Lyra is a teacher of the deaf who specialized in the birth to three population for over 10 years. She was the Early Intervention Coordinator of Child’s Voice School from 2003-2008 and the Co-Director of the Cochlear Implant Program at the University of Chicago from 2008-2011. She began her position as a Consumer Outreach Manager with MED-EL Corporation in 2013.

Financial - Receives Salary for Employment from MED-EL Corporation.  

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.