Title: '“Outsourcing” Newborn Hearing Screening: Questions and Considerations'
Track: 1 - EHDI Program Enhancement
Keyword(s): newborn hearing screening; contracted services; outsourcing
Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe 3 models for contracted hearing screening services
  2. List 3 potential advantages of contracted hearing screening services
  3. List 3 considerations when exploring contracted hearing services


In recent years, many hospitals have elected to outsource their newborn hearing screening services through contractual relationships with non-hospital personnel. Some of the contractual models are designed to provide these services at no charge to the institution. Hospital administrators are attracted to this model because it relieves them of burdens associated with training, screening, maintenance of equipment, reporting and follow-up. But there are many important issues that need to be considered, some related to choice of hearing technology, some related to protocols and procedures, and others related to billing, financial arrangements, and communication with families. This presentation will examine current models for contracted hearing screening services followed by a review of key questions and considerations. Specifically, we will examine inpatient vs outpatient screening; management of high risk babies; data management; tracking and surveillance; compliance with hospital regulations and standards; communication with families and primary care providers; reporting of screening outcomes to the hospital and state EHDI program; coordination of follow-up with the state EHDI program, and financial issues related to billing, collection, and potential impact on denials. Attendees will be provided with a checklist that summarizes each of these important considerations.
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Randi Winston - Primary Presenter,POC
NCHAM, The EAR Foundation of Arizona, The Arizona Department of Health Services
     Credentials: Au.D, CCC-A
     Other Affiliations: Member ASHA, AAA, ArSHA
      Randi Winston has been a consulting audiologist for The EAR Foundation of Arizona (EFAZ), the Arizona Department of Health Services and Arizona's State EHDI Program since 1998. Her role has primarily involved working with hospital based newborn hearing screening, early childhood hearing screening programs statewide. She continues to provide ongoing training and technical assistance with an emphasis on program quality. She serves on the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM) Technical Assistance Network, assisting states in Region X in their EHDI efforts.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.
Jackson Roush - Co-Presenter
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
     Credentials: PhD, CCCA
     Other Affiliations: AAA, ASHA, AGB, AAS
      Dr. Roush is Professor and Director of the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC. He also serves as Director of the North Carolina LEND program and is co-chair of the NC EHDI Advisory Board.

Financial -

Nonfinancial -