Title: 'Building Self-Advocacy Skills During Early Intervention'
Track: 4 - Early Intervention
Keyword(s): self-advocacy, home visits, early intervention, preschool
Learning Objectives:
  1. Define self-advocacy in relationship to early intervention
  2. Describe why self-advocacy is important during early intervention
  3. List strategies for integrating self-advocacy skills into service delivery during early intervention


The AG Bell Family Needs Assessment '...noted the need, particularly in younger children, to develop self-advocacy skills for activities outside of school, where the structure and experience of teachers and therapists cannot be relied upon (http://ehdimeeting.org/system/Abstracts/Abstract_Form.cfm?bd=415&CFID=747489&CFTOKEN=87647938).' Listen and Talk's Early Intervention and Blended Preschool Programs recognize the importance of self-advocacy skills and communication repair strategies and include these areas in service delivery. This presentation will discuss what is included in self-advocacy skills for children with hearing loss and what is known about the development of these skills. Assessment and tracking tools will be reviewed along with meaningful ways to consider self-advocacy and repair strategies in IFSP outcomes and IEP goals. The presentation will emphasize how common practices build the foundation of self-advocacy skills and strategies that can be integrated into early intervention services and early childhood classroom.
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Maura Berndsen - Primary Presenter,POC
Listen and Talk
     Credentials: MA, CED, LSLS Cert. AVT
     Other Affiliations: OPTION Schools, Past President
      Maura has worked at Listen and Talk since 1996 after starting her career in listening and spoken language settings in 1990. She holds her BA in Deaf Education from Fontbonne University and her MA in Early Childhood Education from the University of Texas, San Antonio. Maura is also a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist- Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist. As Educational Director she has provided early intervention, Auditory-Verbal Therapy, and educational consultations. Maura has presented and contributed to publications on the topics of listening and spoken language approaches and the development of listening and spoken language in children with all degrees of hearing loss.

Financial - Receives Salary for Employment,Management position,Teaching and speaking from Listen and Talk.   Receives Salary for Employment,Management position,Teaching and speaking from Listen and Talk.  

Nonfinancial - Has a Professional (Member) relationship for Other volunteer activities.   Has a Professional (Member) relationship for Board membership.   Has a Professional (Member) relationship for Other volunteer activities.   Has a Professional (Member) relationship for Board membership.  
Kim Hamren - Co-Presenter
Listen and Talk
     Credentials: M.Ed., CED, LSLS Cert. AVT
      Kim Hamren, M.Ed., CED, LSLS Cert. AVT, has worked at Listen and Talk since 1997. She is the Early Intervention Coordinator and also provides early intervention services. Over the years Kim has served as a preschool teacher, Auditory-Verbal Therapist, and Preschool Coordinator. She received her Teacher of the Deaf certification and her B.S. in Education from the University of Nebraska-Omaha and her M.Ed in Early Childhood Special Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She became a LSLS Cert. AVT in 2003. Previously, Kim taught preschool and provided early intervention at the Omaha Hearing School. She worked as a Home-Based Special Educator for Birth-3 services with the Lincoln Public School District where she worked with families whose children had a variety of special challenges.

Financial -

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