Title: 'Demonstrating Successful Outcomes Using The Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum'
Track: 1 - EHDI Program Enhancement
Keyword(s): Newborn Hearing Screening, Training, LearnerDescribe how the NHSTC can be implemented as a statewide training tool Outcomes
Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe how the NHSTC can be implemented as a statewide training tool
  2. Describe how the NHSTC can be utilized to optimize learning outcomes
  3. Describe how the NHSTC can empower screeners to improve their screening practices


The Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC) was developed in 2008 in an effort to provide a competency based, standardized training solution for hospital screeners. It was designed to reflect best practice guidelines for newborn hearing screening and follow-up. Originally in DVD format, it was redesigned and released in 2012 in a web-based version and offered on the infanthearing.org (NCHAM website) as an eLearning (Moodle) course, at no cost to participants. It is a requirement in several state EHDI programs and hospitals nationwide. Its scope has been broadened for training midwives, non-hospital birthing centers and other EHDI stakeholders. Audiologists and nurses can obtain CEUs and all participants who pass the course receive an NCHAM certificate of completion. As part of the course requirements, built in assessment tools have made it possible to investigate screener knowledge and learning outcomes. Data analysis on more than 1500 participants has shown the positive impact of the NHSTC. This presentation will provide an overview of the data analysis and demonstrate how state EHDI programs, hospitals and stakeholders, can best utilize the course and its resources to optimize training.
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Randi Winston - Primary Presenter,POC
NCHAM, The EAR Foundation of Arizona, The Arizona Department of Health Services
     Credentials: Au.D, CCC-A
     Other Affiliations: Member ASHA, AAA, ArSHA
      Randi Winston has been a consulting audiologist for The EAR Foundation of Arizona (EFAZ), the Arizona Department of Health Services and Arizona's State EHDI Program since 1998. Her role has primarily involved working with hospital based newborn hearing screening, early childhood hearing screening programs statewide. She continues to provide ongoing training and technical assistance with an emphasis on program quality. She serves on the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM) Technical Assistance Network, assisting states in Region X in their EHDI efforts.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

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