Title: 'Issues Hearing Parents Face With Their Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing'
Track: 7 - Family Perspectives and Support
Keyword(s): Communication, Education, Families, Support
Learning Objectives:
  1. To provide a forum for families to talk about issues they face with their children who are deaf/hard of hearing.
  2. To share experiences raising families with children who are deaf/hard of hearing.


We were co-workers and close friends before we had our children. We both have late-diagnosed children with different etiologies. We have used different modes of communication and enrolled our children in a variety of school situations. We have moved school districts and across the country to find what we need for our children. We have lived through and talked through these decisions together and we know how important it is to acknowledge and discuss them. We will provide that forum for families by drawing on our own experiences and encouraging others to talk about theirs. We intend for parents and professionals to talk about the issues that we know many of us face, but often don’t have the critical mass to address, to continue to find ways to help our kids navigate their lives with greater ease. A majority of children who are deaf or hard of hearing are born to hearing parents. There is an adjustment period and learning curve for ever parent with a newborn baby and there are added variables when your child is deaf or hard of hearing. Children who are deaf/hard of hearing and educated in their neighborhood schools are often the only deaf or hard of hearing students in their schools. Students (and parents) may feel isolated and the school staff and administration may have no prior experience with students who are deaf or heard of hearing. Families can support one another and build a connection with the larger deaf/hard of hearing community. We will touch upon our efforts and experiences with parent groups and social groups; memberships in organizations like Hands and Voices; social media; camps; searching for physicians and other professionals; and the importance of participation in conferences like EHDI.
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Lisa Weiss - Co-Presenter,POC
CueSign, Inc.
     Credentials: Parent
      Lisa lives in Denver, Colorado. One of Lisa's three sons is deaf as a result of auditory neuropathy. Despite hearing screening in the hospital shortly after his birth and consistent follow up with audiologists and speech therapists, Lisa's son was not identified with auditory neuropathy until he was almost three years old. Lisa has been using Cued Speech for ten years with her son who has bilateral cochlear implants, is learning to sign, and communicates using spoken language. Lisa currently serves as a board member of Colorado Hands and Voices, the Interpreter Advisory Board for the Colorado Department of Education, and as a Commissioner representing the parent community for the Colorado Commission of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.
Susan Fingerle - Primary Presenter
Hands and Voices
     Credentials: Parent
      Susan Fingerle has an 11 year old son who is Hard of Hearing.

Financial -

Nonfinancial -