Title: 'Family Signs: You've Heard of Us? Now Come Learn with Us!'
Track: 4 - Early Intervention
Keyword(s): Tele-Intervention, sign language, family education
Learning Objectives:
  1. The participant will be able to identify various videoconferencing programs that may be used with Tele-Intervention.
  2. The participant will be able to identify various approaches to solving technology challenges, such as low bandwidth.


Family Signs offers free sign language classes to Texas family members of deaf/hard of hearing children (birth to age 21) using Internet based videoconferencing programs such as Skype and Google+ hangouts. The goal of this presentation is to provide a brief explanation of the program, discuss technology issues of the program (challenges, successes, and adaptations), and provide a live demonstration of a class. The success of this live presentation will be dependent upon variables with which the Family Signs program and other Tele-intervention providers continually deal (such as bandwidth issues, internet traffic competing for bandwidth). In the event that the demonstration call is unsuccessful, a backup recorded class session will be available. The videoconference call during the session will provide the audience a true-to-life experience of programs, like Family Signs, that use Tele-intervention for service delivery. We anticipate that this experience will benefit states wishing to set up a Tele-Intervention Sign Language program, as well as to parents wishing to request such classes in their home state.
Presentation: This presentation has not yet been uploaded or the speaker has opted not to make the presentation available online.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
CART: CART Transcription is not Available
Lynn Reichert - Primary Presenter,Author,POC
Family Signs
     Credentials: M.A. in Deafness Studies
     Other Affiliations: Educational Resource Center on Deafness at Texas School for the Deaf
      Lynn Reichert received her MA in Deafness Studies in Austin, Texas. She is a certified Deaf Education teacher, ASL teacher, and Interpreter. After working in the Deaf education field for over 12 years in a variety of settings, she began working with the Educational Resource Center on Deafness (ERCOD) and the Family Signs program. She has been with the Family Signs program for five years, four of those as Coordinator. Most recently, she co-authored ‘Pioneering Program Teaches Families Sign Language Through Tele-Intervention’ based on Family Signs in The Odyssey, 2015.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.