Title: 'Grief to Engagement! Novel Ways to Counsel and Assist Parents When a Hearing Loss is Diagnosed and to Encourage Buy-in and Engagement With Early Intervention Services.'
Track: 1 - EHDI Program Enhancement
Keyword(s): audiologist, early intervention, grief, hearing loss, parents
Learning Objectives:
  1. explain how a "wall of fame" in an audiological diagnostics room will assist parents in the grieving process.
  2. plan and create their own various marketing and promotional tools using DVD's, social media and other publications in their own practices, services and programs.
  3. identify and work with parents in their practice or through their state Hands and Voices chapter in order to design marketing and promotional materials for parents.


As a parent of three children, two with a syndrome that caused their hearing loss, nothing can prepare one for that inevitable and inexorable time when an audiologist delivers the fateful and unexpected news of a hearing loss diagnosis. This I know intimately from experience. Typically, parents have little to no prior knowledge of children with hearing loss and the myriad of services that can benefit them. The majority of parents express how much better they felt when they were finally connected with other parents of children with hearing loss. However, this vital introduction, meeting and interaction between parents and children may be delayed or never come to fruition. This can be especially true in rural areas. Fortunately, much can be done to assuage, cushion and soften the landing no matter where one resides or “how hard the fall”. While nothing can and should completely erase the natural grieving process, getting families to a timelier and healthier starting point in their journey and connected with early intervention services is paramount. Novel and unique ideas to bridge this gap will be presented, discussed, shown and demonstrated in an interactive manner with the audience.
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Andrea Amestoy - Primary Presenter,POC
Idaho Sound Beginnings
     Credentials: Registered Nurse, Idaho Sound Beginnings Parent Outreach Consultant
      Andrea has worked as a pediatric and NICU registered nurse and currently teaches birth and parenting classes. In addition, she has worked for the school district as a teacher/registered nurse in the Health Professions Program. She graduated cum Laude in 2000 with a BS in Health Science and an AS in nursing. Andrea has been the parent outreach consultant for Idaho Sound Beginnings for the past 7 years. She began soon after her second child was diagnosed with hearing loss at 4 weeks of age. She assists the program with the development of educational materials, offering the dual perspectives of a parent and a medical professional. Andrea is the parent of 3 children, 2 diagnosed with Usher Syndrome Type IIc. She is currently working on her Master's in Special Education with a teaching certificate to become a TVI (teacher of the visually impaired) through Texas Tech University.

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