Title: 'I Am Me: Identity Considerations for Families with D/HH Children'
Track: 7 - Family Perspectives and Support
Keyword(s): identity, culture, individuality, social, inclusion
Learning Objectives:
  1. Recognize the value of identity as it pertains to deaf and hard of hearing individuals
  2. Recognize how social policy, personal ideology, and societal and individual identities are interwoven
  3. Be exposed to possible paths allowing for inclusion in two worlds (d/hh) to better assist d/hh children and their families in the quest for unique identities


Many things make up a child's identity as an individual. When a deaf or hard-of-hearing child grows up surrounded by hearing individuals, both at home and at school, learning to be confident in who they are goes a long way toward social success. As the child prepares to leave home, however, new identity issues may surface. How can we as parents and professionals who support deaf and hard-of-hearing children ensure that any subconscious identity issues are kept to a minimum? Research studies on identity development among deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals will be presented along with personal stories from the speaker.
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Pamela Farley - Primary Presenter,POC
Texas Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side
     Credentials: AA Speech Communication & Social Work; BA Communication Studies; working on MS Deaf Education; Senior Guide for Texas Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side; NCHAM Professional Learning Community on Deaf Mentor Programs; Texas Woman's University Experiential Scholar, Summer 2015;
     Other Affiliations: Presented at Hands & Voices National Conference, Texas Interpreter Conference, Family Weekend Retreat put on by ERCOD (TSD), EHDI 2015, & ASDC 2015, Contributor to The Communicator newsletter published by Hands & Voices, Guest Lecturer at Texas State University for Communications Disorders classes, Deaf Ministry co-leader at Life Austin Church, ASL instructor for homeschool students, avid researcher of Deaf Education and D/HH Development topics.
      Deaf since the age of four after a bout with Spinal Meningitis, Pamela was mainstreamed through college. She holds an AA in Speech Communication and Social work, a BA in Communication Studies with a Psychology focus, and is currently working towards her MS in Education of the Deaf. Pamela's passion is in working with families experiencing hearing loss, developing more effective communication in the home and in assisting these families in embracing their child's identity. She has presented various workshops and served as guest lecturer for college classes. She gives hearing loss demonstrations at public schools, teaches ASL, works as a Deaf Guide for Texas Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side program, and has experience as a social media manager, blogger, motivational speaker, and sign music performer. Pamela and her husband, also deaf, have four hearing children.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.