Title: 'Great Lakes and Great Partners-Moving the Needle in Michigan'
Track: 9 - Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement
Keyword(s): SMART, Strategies, Quality Improvement
Learning Objectives:
  1. Attendees will identify quality program follow-up strategies.
  2. Attendees will compare and contrast effective innovative strategies for loss to follow up issues.


Michigan currently is focused on monitoring loss to follow-up at all three stages in the EHDI process: 1) initial hearing screening 2) final newborn hearing screen to audiologic diagnosis and 2) audiologic diagnosis to early intervention. Given the diverse population of Michigan from very rural, small to large urban population centers, change strategies identified to improve loss to follow-up are not expected to be successful in all locations. This presentation will focus on the ongoing efforts identified to address significant loss to follow up rates in Southeast Michigan. Loss to follow up rates in Southeast Michigan have slowly declined from 77% in 2009 and 2010, 64% in 2011 and 42% in 2012. To continue to facilitate and expedite improvement, new strategic methodologies have been instituted. Using transformational initiatives and focusing on measurable processes, Michigan EHDI has implemented program strategies to improve loss to follow-up rates in Southeast Michigan. Community partners and stakeholders are engaged through distinct and unique projects to identify variables impacting loss to follow up rates. Using specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART) benchmarks, projects are assessed weekly and monthly for measurable progress and strategic refinement.
Presentation: This presentation has not yet been uploaded or the speaker has opted not to make the presentation available online.
Handouts: Handout is not Available
CART: CART Transcription is not Available
Debra Behringer - Primary Presenter,Author,POC
MI Dept of Community Health
     Credentials: RN, MSN EHDI Program Coordinator
     Other Affiliations: Sigma Theta Tau-member Healthy Homes Specialist-credential
      Public health/maternal child health nurse for 35 years. Background experience in hospital, clinic, home care nursing and nurse consultant for the state of Michigan. Public health nurse educator for RN-BSN students.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.
Nan Asher - Co-Presenter
Michigan EHDI
     Credentials: Masters of Liberal Studies with an emphasis on Hearing Assistive Technology
     Other Affiliations: Current Treasurer for the Michigan Coalition for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Five-time Gubernatorial appointee for the Office of Civil Rights, Advisory Member of Michigan Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing; Consumer Representative for ASHA's Council for Clinical Specialty Recognition Board; Charter member of Hearing Loss Association of Ann Arbor; Professional member of MI Hands and Voices; HLA-MI,Hearing Technology Resource Specialist; Adapting to Hearing loss and Speech-reading teacher.
      Nan Asher was diagnosed with a bilateral hearing loss at age four and has one sibling with a profound hearing loss. She has worked in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing field for much of her professional career. As the Program Consultant for MI-EHDI, Nan has frequent contact with medical providers and parents, encouraging appropriate follow-up. Nan is a strong advocate for finding communication modes that work for each individual.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.