Title: 'If Only You Would Listen to What I Say: Building Successful Partnerships'
Track: 7 - Family Perspectives and Support
Keyword(s): Parent professional partnerships
Learning Objectives:
  1. • Following this presentation, participants will be able to identify the essential elements of listening.
  2. • Following this presentation, participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to successfully engage parents and others to achieve a common goal.
  3. • Following this presentation, participants will be able to list barriers to successful partnerships.


Successful partnerships are essential to the development of successful programs of intervention and education for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. All relationships—be they personal or professional—take time to develop. But, what happens when you don’t have enough time? What about philosophical differences? How can we partner when we don’t see eye-to-eye or agree about what needs to be done? Agreeing on a common goal is the beginning. Listening to one another—really listening—is essential.
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Joni Alberg - Primary Presenter,POC
Oberkotter Foundation
     Credentials: Ph.D.
     Other Affiliations: Adjunct Faculty, Department of Allied Health Sciences, Speech and Hearing Sciences, UNC-Chapel Hill
      Joni Alberg. Joni joined the Oberkotter Foundation as Family Support Programs Officer on October 1, 2014. Previously, she served as Executive Director of BEGINNINGS For Parents of Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. in NC from 1999 until October 2014. BEGINNINGS provides emotional support, information, and technical assistance to parents throughout North Carolina who have children from birth through age 21 with a hearing loss. Joni holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Special Education from Florida State University and a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Alberg has more than 30 years professional experience as a special education teacher, administrator, researcher and business executive.

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