Title: 'Why Does it Take so Long to Complete the Audiologic Process?'
Track: 6 - Follow-up, Tracking and Data Management
Keyword(s): Screening, incompletion, risk factors, audiology, diagnosis
Learning Objectives:
  1. To identify risk factors related to lengthy or incomplete audiologic diagnosis.
  2. To provide EHDI with relevant information to improve the completion of diagnosis.


Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs are designed to detect congenital and early acquired hearing loss and provide infants and their families with appropriate intervention services. In Louisiana, all newborns are screened for hearing loss prior to hospital discharge. Infants who do not pass initial screenings are referred for further evaluations to complete audiologic diagnosis by three months of age. Once hearing loss is diagnosed, appropriate intervention services should be initiated before 6 months of age. A prolonged diagnostic process may affect receiving appropriate interventions in a timely manner. Currently, 6.05% (108), 5.12% (174), and 6.14% (208) of children born in 2011, 2012, and 2013 respectively who failed initial hearing screenings are still reported as “audiologic diagnosis in process” (awaiting diagnosis of either normal or abnormal hearing) in Louisiana. An audiologic diagnosis in process is defined if an infant who failed initial screening has been seen by an audiologist or physician at least one time and does not yet have a diagnosis within 6 months of the last appointment. The study aims to define causes and risk factors related to a lengthy or incomplete audiologic diagnosis process. The linked 2011-2013 Louisiana EHDI-IS birth records data will be used for analysis. Audiologists will be contacted to confirm the status of patients when needed. Findings from the study are expected to provide Louisiana EHDI Program with helpful information to develop plans and strategies to improve completion of the diagnostic process in both reporting and practice issues by three months of age. Findings from the study will be presented and discussed during the presentation. Louisiana’s Chapter Champion, Thiravat Choojitarom will contribute to the presentation and discussion from the medical home perspective.
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Ian Ng - Primary Presenter,POC
Louisiana Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
     Credentials: Ian Ng, MPH Candidate (1); Tri Tran, MD, MPH (2,3); Mary Jo Smith, BS (2); Jeanette Webb, M. Ed (2); Terri Mohren, M. Ed (2); Melinda Peat, MCD, CCCA (2).
      MR. IAN NG is a candidate for the Master of Public Health in Epidemiology at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Kinesiology at the Michigan State University. He is currently an intern at the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, investigating and analyzing various risk factors for the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program. He has interest in data analysis and research, and has held numerous assistant positions throughout his academic career.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.
Thiravat Choojitarom - Co-Presenter
Louisiana EHDI Program
     Credentials: M.D., FAAP
     Other Affiliations: Louisiana Chapter Champion
      Thiravat Choojitarom, M.D. FAAP, CATCH program Facilitator for Louisiana, AAP EHDI Chapter Champion for Louisiana and member Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Council in Louisiana.

Financial -

Nonfinancial -
Tri Tran - Author
     Credentials: MD MPH
     Other Affiliations: LSUHSC School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
      Dr.Tri Tran, MD, MPH
Mary Jo Smith - Author
Louisiana DHH OPH CSHS Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
     Credentials: BS
      Mary Jo Smith, BS. She is a LA EHDI Tracking Specialist
Jeanette Webb - Author
Louisiana DHH OPH CSHS Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
     Credentials: M. ED
      Janette Webb M.ED
Terri Ibieta - Author
Louisiana DHH OPH CSHS Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
     Credentials: M. Ed
      Terri Mohren M.Ed. She is a LA EHDI Program Manager
Melinda Peat - Author
Louisiana DHH OPH CSHS Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
     Credentials: MCD CCCA
      Melinda Peat, MCD, CCCA