March 8-10, 2020 • Kansas City, MO


 A Music Resource to Support Auditory Perception Development in Children who are Deaf or Hard or Hearing

Music is a significant part of our lives. It has the ability to inspire creativity, express emotion, or even support learning and memorization. Music is vital in our culture and is used in all aspects of lifeā€”from advertising to classical music training. It is crucial that children are exposed to music early in their lives. A priority for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), who use hearing technology to acquire listening and spoken language, is to develop auditory perception skills that will increase their access to the full complexities of sounds, spoken language, and musical input. Parents and professionals place essential emphasis on the processes involved in speech and language development. However, consistent utilization of music within both direct and incidental instruction can provide young children with rich auditory exposure and opportunities to enhance auditory perception development through the acoustic complexities inherent in musical input. Parents or professionals who are unfamiliar with music lessons or theory may feel reluctant to incorporate music instruction in the classroom or at home. Accessibility to formal lessons may be limited due to cost, convenience, or access barriers. This presentation will discuss strategies and techniques that parents and professionals can implement to utilize music instruction to promote auditory development in everyday routines and activities. Participants will also be introduced to a resource in the form of downloadable portable document format (PDF), which will provide a lesson structure that is simple enough for anyone to understand and implement, regardless of their familiarity with music instruction. This resource will provide descriptions of targeted musical skills, listening and spoken language strategies to use, as well as additional activities to implement at home or school to promote auditory perception development using music.

  • Participants will discuss the importance of music instruction in auditory perception development.
  • Participants will discuss strategies and suggestions for professionals to support musical skills in children who are deaf or hard of hearing within their services.
  • Participants will discuss strategies and suggestions for parents to support musical skills with their own children and how to implement the strategies into their daily routines.

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Presenter: Julian Cogswell

Julian is a graduate student in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education with an emphasis in Listening and Spoken Language at Utah State University. Her interests are in the linguistic and academic achievement of young children who are DHH and developing listening and spoken language as they prepare for successful entry into K-12 settings. She will graduate with her Master of Education in May 2020.


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Presenter: Lauri Nelson

Lauri Nelson is a Professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education at Utah State University. She is the Deaf Education Division Chair, the Director of the Listening and Spoken Language Deaf Education graduate training program and Sound Beginnings. She was one of the co-founders of the Hear to Learn website. She has a dual background as both a pediatric audiologist and LSL deaf educator.


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