2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


 Virtual “Hear” 2 Talk Program: Achieving Optimal Spoken Language Outcomes by Increasing Parent Self-Efficacy and Collaborative Practice in a Family-Centered approach

The Virtual “Hear” 2 Talk (vH2T) program is a family-centered, Early Intervention (EI) service for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (d/hh) that promotes collaboration among members of a child's team including parents. Research studies have discussed that the key components of a successful EI program include team collaboration and a family-centered approach. The vH2T was created in response to the request of parents to meet with an SLP after their child’s permanent hearing loss was identified. Parents were actively involved from the creation, planning and implementation of this program, as well as the evaluation after they attended the appointments. This program was also created to achieve the EI 1-3-6 benchmarks for all children who are d/hh within the Toronto Infant Hearing Program. Specifically, ensuring EI services by 6 months, as current research suggests this standard is the “only unique predictor ” on spoken language outcomes.

  • Describe the "Hear" 2 Talk program for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Summarize the parents' perspective about the impact of an Early Intervention program on parental self-efficacy and the challenges and accomplishments of a virtual service
  • Identify recommendations and next steps


Presenter: Gillian Lalonde

Gillian Lalonde is a Speech-Language Pathologist with Lumenus Community Services/Toronto Infant Hearing Program in Toronto, Canada. Gillian has been working with young children with a variety of communication disorders and their families since 2009. In 2012 she began specializing in working with children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and is currently pursuing her Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS) certification. Gillian’s passions include collaborating with families and professionals in order to support parents’ goals and holistically address the needs of their child with hearing loss, and improving early intervention services for families in order to help all children achieve their full communication potential.


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Presenter: Maria Emilia (Mila) de Melo

Maria Emilia (Mila) de Melo, S-LP, Aud(C), LSLS Cert. AVT, has been working with children who are deaf and hard of hearing and their families since 1992. In her work with the Toronto Infant Hearing Program (TIHP), Toronto Public Health, since 2007, she has been the Lead S-LP, providing family-centred therapy services to infants and young children diagnosed with permanent hearing loss. Within TIHP, she is the Co-Chair of the Collaborative Practice Work Group, the Parent Engagement Work Group, and the Chair of the Clinical Best Practice for Auditory Skills Intervention Services. She has been providing professional consulting, having organized and delivered workshops and lectures for parents and professionals, both in Canada and internationally. In addition, Mila mentors worldwide professionals who want to learn about Auditory-Verbal Practice and pursue the LSLS Certification. She is a member of the AGBell Academy Global Matters Committee and board member of the AGBell Academy.


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