2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   3:30 PM - 3:55 PM   |  EHDI and Part C Partnership: A System for Building Capacity for DHH-Specific Interventions throughout Wisconsin   |  Capitol 6

EHDI and Part C Partnership: A System for Building Capacity for DHH-Specific Interventions throughout Wisconsin

Considering the critical importance of connecting families with professionals who have DHH-specific expertise, the 2013 Early Intervention Supplement to JCIH Position Statement challenges, “Because of the shortage of qualified professionals, it is important that a system of building capacity exists at the preservice, inservice, and mentoring levels”. Join the Wisconsin EHDI EI team as they share positive impacts of their innovative model of intervention, partnering directly with the state’s Part C system (Birth to 3 Program). Wisconsin has struggled to provide equitable access to deafness-specific intervention. Every family in every corner of the state has access to their local Part C programming. What does it look like when EHDI partners with these Part C in-home providers to enhance deafness-specific programming? Participants in this session will learn about how Wisconsin Sound Beginnings is successfully teaming alongside Part C providers to enhance their capacity and confidence in supporting young DHH children and their families. Surveys completed by Part C providers and parents highlight strategies and components of the model that contribute to success in this approach.

  • Participants will learn about Wisconsin’s innovative model which infuses DHH-specific interventions through a collaborative partnership between the EHDI EI team and Part C programming state-wide.
  • Participants will review survey data from initial 2 years of implementation and learn how EI providers throughout the state of Wisconsin are growing in their capacity and competence in supporting 0-3 children who are DHH and their families.
  • Participants will identify examples of specific strategies EHDI EI team members are using to ensure all children enrolled in Part C have DHH-Specific assessments and interventions in place.





Lauren Burke (Primary Presenter), CESA 1 / Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, BurkeLA01@uww.edu;
Lauren is the Wisconsin Sound Beginnings CARES Communication Specialist with an emphasis in Listening and Spoken Language. Lauren has worked within the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program as a primary provider and in-home speech and language pathologist. As a member of Wisconsin's state-wide EHDI early intervention team, she is passionate about supporting infants and toddlers who are D/deaf or hard of hearing alongside and in partnership with their Birth to 3 team and their families. Lauren has experience using the primary provider model, coaching, and teaming practices. She is working towards attaining certification as a Listening and Spoken Language specialist (LSLS AVEd). Lauren began her career as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher before pursuing speech and language.


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Christine Kometer (Co-Presenter), CESA 1 / Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, ckometer@cesa1.k12.wi.us;
Chris is the WI Sound Beginnings Early Intervention Coordinator and is a Teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Chris brings over 30 years of experience to her role. She has experience teaching children who are D/deaf or hard of hearing in four different states in a variety of settings--public school, university clinic, statewide outreach, and most recently, 17 years in a non-profit agency as Program Director for Early Intervention services, working within the WI Birth to 3 Program. She has worked with children and families who use American Sign Language, Total Communication and Listening and Spoken Language. She received an Advanced rating in ASL skill level and also holds certification as a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS Cert AVEd). She has a Certificate in Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health as well. She has also coordinated parent educational and support services, social-recreational events for children and families, sign language classes and larger family-focused events such as an annual statewide Family Learning Vacation weekend.


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