March 3-5, 2019 • Chicago, IL


 Planning Ahead to 2023 – How to Prepare Collaborative Teams

In 2007, the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) law was passed in Minnesota. Recognizing that a number of state-level agencies and statewide advocacy and direct services organizations share responsibility for serving deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing children and youth, a group of state agencies and organizations formed a Collaborative to create positive, systematic changes in order to achieve better education and career outcomes for students who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing. Now, in 2018, the fifty stakeholders of the Collaborative Plan are ready to celebrate the outcomes and the lessons learned from ten years of working in partnership. To do so, the Steering Committee of the collaborative groups (hosted by the Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing- MNCDHH) are presenting the participants with the opportunity to set up the strategic plan for the next five year cycle. The MNCDHH contracted with Wilder Research to conduct an environmental scan of D/DB/HH education and to help facilitate the development of a data-driven Collaborative Plan for 2019- 2023. The Wilder Research team analyzed and summarized data and completed 49 interviews with professionals and parents to better understand the greatest needs of these children as well as the strengths and gaps in the current system to meet those needs. In addition to the individual interviews, the Wilder Research team facilitated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis sessions with each of the Collaborative work groups: birth to age 5; a combined group with kindergarten to 4th grade and 5th to 8th grade workgroup members; and the transition group of 9th grade through age 21. This presentation will include the findings from the environmental scan, the key strategic issues and action plans along with the final new 5 Year Collaborative Plan.

  • Participants will learn how to employ multiple data sharing tools.
  • Participants will learn a systematic process for identifying strenghts and gaps.
  • Participants will learn how to optimize on current systems in planning for future outcomes.


Presenter: Anna Paulson

Anna Paulson, M.Ed the Coordinator of Educational Advancement & Partnerships for the Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans (MNCDHH). She is a former instructor and Senior Teaching Specialist at the University of Minnesota for over 18 years. Anna Paulson is a licensed teacher in the areas of Elementary Education and Deaf/Hard of Hearing Education. She has been an instructor in the teacher preparation programs in the areas of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Education and Early Childhood Special Education. She was the Part C coordinator during the inception years in Michigan, and has years of general and special education teaching experience.


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Presenter: Darcia Dierking

Darcia Dierking, Au.D. holds pediatric audiology specialty certification and has more than 20 years of clinical and research experience working with both children and adults. Dr. Dierking works with the Minnesota Department of Health Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program doing longitudinal follow-up for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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