March 3-5, 2019 • Chicago, IL


 Partnering with Parents: Data Collection and Language Acquisition in Parent Toddler Programs

A partnership with parents is key in preparing children for preschool. Parents know their children’s needs and abilities intimately. As active participants in choosing targets for their children, vocabulary and language acquisition will improve. Providing parents with knowledge of developmental milestones, language development strategies, and methods for data collection can empower parents to take their assess their child’s language needs. Collaboration between professionals and parents, and parents and other parents can provide a team of support to prepare children for the language skills they require for preschool. This presentation will describe how parents can be active partners in identifying targets and collecting data in a combined parents and toddlers class program. During the presentation, examples of parent and professional partnership will be given using parent interviews, lesson plan examples, and data collection sheets. The participants will be able to use data collection methods and principles of partnership in their own practices to collaborate with families.

  • Learners will discuss examples of partnering with parents in parent toddler programs to pick language targets.
  • Participants will discuss methods of teaching parents data collection methods to use to track their child's growth.
  • Learners will be able to replicate methods of partnership and teaching data collection in their own practices.

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Presenter: Lauren Munkondya

Lauren Smith is a teacher of the Deaf in St. George Utah. She has coached parents and guardians of students from birth to age 10. She loves coaching over teleintervention and in person. Her special interests in the field include speech babble, coaching, and music as a teaching tool.


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