2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA

Award Winner/Nominee Details 2023

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Adrienne Johnson

I would like to nominate Adrienne Johnson, Au.D. from the University of Utah for the Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence. Adrienne Johnson recognized the need for improvement in referrals with NICU babies with diagnosed hearing loss. Families were overwhelmed and would often decline services before they even started. Dr. Johnson, along with the Parent Infant Program, compiled information in flyers that are posted near the child's crib. This information empowered parents by educating them about what things they could do currently to build their child's language skills and also emphasize the importance of early intervention. Dr. Johnson has received positive feedback regarding the flyers and has shared the information with other hospitals as well.

Secondly, Dr. Johnson has started serving as a liaison between the family and the provider from the Parent Infant Program when the NICU child is first diagnosed. Often families are too overwhelmed to bring in another specialist and as a result, decline early intervention services. Dr. Johnson communicates with early intervention providers when the family is ready for services or will be discharged and also educates the family about the importance of early intervention. Dr. Johnson's efforts have helped families enroll in early intervention.