2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA

Award Winner/Nominee Details 2024

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Jessica Messersmith

I am writing to nominate Dr. Jessica Messersmith for the prestigious Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence. Dr. Messersmith's tireless dedication and remarkable achievements in the field of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) make her an exceptional candidate for this esteemed recognition.

Dr. Messersmith's contributions to EHDI are most notably exemplified through her pioneering work in South Dakota. One of the most noteworthy accomplishments of Dr. Messersmith is her involvement in a HRSA grant initiative aimed at providing telehealth services to improve follow-up after newborn infant hearing screenings. Her vision and commitment have played a pivotal role in the success of this initiative, which is now a model for other states seeking to improve their EHDI programs. This groundbreaking approach has not only expanded access to care for families in rural and underserved areas but has also significantly increased the number of infants receiving timely follow-up services, ensuring their best possible start in life.

One of the accomplishments of this grant work is the establishment of the EHDI Collaborative. This collaborative has proven to be a transformative force in the state, bringing together professionals, organizations, and stakeholders in a concerted effort to enhance EHDI practices. With her input, the EHDI Collaborative has become a beacon of best practices, driving innovation, and advancing the cause of early hearing detection and intervention in South Dakota.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting Dr. Messersmith's unwavering advocacy for change. Her dedication to the cause led to a remarkable achievement—the addition of newborn hearing screening to the newborn screening panel in South Dakota (pending finalization). This legislative milestone, in no small part, can be attributed to her tireless work, relentless advocacy, and ability to mobilize stakeholders and decision-makers in the state.

Dr. Messersmith's impact goes beyond her state; her work serves as a beacon of inspiration for EHDI professionals nationwide. Her achievements have transformed South Dakota EHDI and is in no small part due to her dedication to the field. This commitment to children in the state has not gone unnoticed by her peers and the EHDI community at large.

In conclusion, Dr. Jessica Messersmith's exceptional contributions to EHDI through her work with the EHDI Collaborative, the HRSA grant for telehealth services, and her successful advocacy for newborn hearing screening mandates in South Dakota demonstrate her unwavering commitment to the cause of early hearing detection and intervention. Her innovative and collaborative efforts have positively affected countless infants and their families, and her influence reaches far beyond state lines. Dr. Messersmith embodies the spirit of the Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence.

I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Jessica Messersmith for this distinguished award because of her dedication, vision, and exceptional contribution.