2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA

Award Winner/Nominee Details 2023

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Terri Ibieta

We are honored to nominate Terri Ibieta for the 2023 Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence. Terri has been with the Louisiana EHDI program since 2002. Prior to this, she worked as a certified classroom teacher of the deaf, and as a parent educator with the Louisiana School for the Deaf. Her experience providing service to families of young children who are deaf/hard of hearing afforded her a wealth of knowledge, which she enthusiastically brought to her role with EHDI. Terri is knowledgeable in all aspects of EHDI, including hearing testing, parent communications, early intervention, family-to-family support, and education of professionals.

Terri has been a leader in the Louisiana EHDI program. Instrumental in the creation, design, and development of LAEHDI-IS, she worked with database developers to create the database, and continues to enhance the function, design, and user interface on a regular basis. During Terri's tenure, substantial improvements have been made in reporting, reduction of errors, and training for hospitals and outpatient providers. Terri routinely examines data reports and utilizes her analytical abilities to identify problems and create unique solutions to address the issues she finds. One of her most outstanding attributes is that she encourages change and progress, even when it is uncomfortable. She considers the success of the program a priority, and this is reflected in her work ethic. Terri is always willing to offer her perspective and challenge the status quo. As an influencer on the EHDI team, she encourages her colleagues to think creatively and to be innovative.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the LA EHDI team had to adapt their processes to ensure that hearing screening and follow-up were not interrupted. Terri led the successful implementation of transitioning to virtual processes and supporting the EHDI team through the challenges. She approached this as an opportunity to develop progressive measures to ensure EHDI remained focused and successful. These initiatives were thoughtfully implemented in such a way that they are sustained, not temporary fixes. Additionally, an important part of the EHDI program is monitoring loss to follow up (LTFU). Through the years Terri has helped develop procedures and mechanisms to reduce LTFU in Louisiana, through conduction of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA). Terri does not shy away from the pursuit of effectiveness, and all program activities are implemented with 'Quality' continuous improvement methods, and utilization of strategies learned through NICHQ.

Terri's role produces many tangible deliverables and results. However, her bright personality and positive attitude bring joy and influence the culture of the team. She is a passionate encourager, and her influence reaches beyond the team into the entire Bureau of Family Health, the EHDI Advisory Council, and external partners. Illustrated by the ongoing support and guidance she provides, Terri unwaveringly advocates for the most important part of the program - the support of children and their families. Her pure dedication to improving outcomes for children who are deaf/hard of hearing make her a deserving candidate for this award. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.