2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


  |  Meeting Sensory Needs to Support Successful Learning and Engagement

Meeting Sensory Needs to Support Successful Learning and Engagement

Every individual is born into a body they need to learn to use and control as they interact with their environment. Through everyday experiences, we learn how to control big emotions, touch different textures and materials, and make sense of all the different messages we receive from these interactions. Our nervous system acts as the hub that receives this input from the environment and decides how we react to these stimuli. Children exhibit sensory needs in various ways: spinning, running into things, avoiding certain foods or materials, fidgeting, covering their eyes to bright lights, or pushing other children, to name a few. It’s important not to overlook a child’s sensory processing role in how they behave and communicate. Ensuring that a child’s sensory needs are met is critical for them to be successful in their learning and development. Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) are more likely to have additional sensory needs and therefore require support in developing strategies to meet those needs. Participants will learn the importance of frontloading learning opportunities with individualized sensory input. Additionally, participants will learn how to integrate language learning strategies into sensory activities to maximize a child’s development.

  • Participants will detail the different sensory needs that impact a child’s learning and engagement in their environment
  • Participants will identify behaviors that indicate sensory needs in children with hearing loss
  • Participants will learn how to create a sensory-rich learning environment in addition to targeting language needs.


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Isabel Lee (Primary Presenter,Author), isabelbwhite@gmail.com;
I am a second-year student in the Listening and Spoken Language Deaf Education program at Utah State University. I work at a preschool for children with hearing loss in Berkeley, CA as a toddler teacher. I have a BA in ASL/English Interpreting from Northeastern University and a MA in Early Childhood Education from San Francisco State University.


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Sarah Law (Author), Utah State University, sarah.law@usu.edu;
Sarah Law is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education in the Listening and Spoken Language Deaf Education program at Utah State University. She has a background in LSL deaf education and currently supervises the LSL deaf education graduate students at Utah State University.


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