2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/18/2024  |   10:35 AM - 11:00 AM   |  Bridging the Gap: From Hospital Discharge to the Classroom   |  Mineral Hall F/G

Bridging the Gap: From Hospital Discharge to the Classroom

The ability to locate, identify, and provide appropriate intervention for children with auditory problems at the youngest age possible is the gold standard for every early intervention team. Yet every year, unidentified and/or misdiagnosed kids with hearing loss start school at alarming numbers. For a variety of reasons, approximately 20 percent won’t receive early intervention even with newborn hearing screening legislation in most states. In addition, infants born with mild hearing loss are likely missed, as well as kids who acquired some form of loss within the first three years of life. What should be a significant number of children receiving intervention at the beginning of their educational journey, however, is a mere fraction of the expected numbers. Using a conservative analysis, the number of children identified with hearing loss for 2019-20 was compared to an estimation of 3 percent of the school population. These estimates suggest we are conservatively missing 1.2 million kids with hearing loss. This data was collected prior to Covid and considered conservative based on the CDC’s data suggesting approximately 15 percent of children in classrooms have some form of hearing loss. This session will focus on how early intervention teams, state agencies, and educators can work together to locate, identify, and change the trajectory of the lives of these “missing” children who will otherwise be denied the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Tasked by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), laws exist to locate and identify children with disabilities. However, many children with hearing loss are being left out and left behind because no one is listening, and they can’t hear. This session will show the scope of the problem, the long-term outcomes of children not identified, and ways to coordinate with other agencies to find them.

  • The participant will be able to compare data as it relates to the estimation of children who are not being identified with hearing loss when they start school.
  • The participant will discover how to implement a low cost, easy and effective transition screening protocol to locate and identify children with auditory pathway problems who are starting school.
  • The participant will be able to identify the parts of the auditory pathway that are plastic and can be changed through appropriate intervention.

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Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Jacqueline R. Scholl (Primary Presenter,Author), SOUNDWRX Inc., n2earz@yahoo.com;
Dr Jacqueline R. Scholl serves as Executive Director for Sounwrx Inc, a 501(c)(3) organization and Head of Peduatrics for Tuned, an online teleaudiology platform. Previously Scholl was the founder and manager of The Scholl Center where she curated an impressive team of clinicians who changed the landscape for audiological, speech and balance care in Oklahoma. The Scholl Center was the recipient of numerous awards, and she personally continues to be noticed for her standards of exemplary care, advocacy, innovative solutions, passion, and mass-scale policy change. Scholl has practiced hearing health care for 25 years and after selling her practice in 2019, she continues to blaze trails by changing policy and providing best practice services to children across the state of Oklahoma. She is a tireless advocate for the voiceless and has contributed numerous articles for national publications and frequently speaks at conferences. Scholl has been recognized nationally for exemplary practice as a clinician by being awarded Oticon’s Practitioner of the Year Award, along with The American Doctor’s of Audiology prestigious Leo Doerfler career award for demonstrating outstanding clinical services in the community. She tirelessly works to create policy change for the voiceless.


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