2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/18/2024  |   2:25 PM - 2:50 PM   |  Limited Audiometric Testing after Not Passing the Newborn Hearing Screen   |  Mineral Hall F/G

Limited Audiometric Testing after Not Passing the Newborn Hearing Screen

The Joint Committee of Infant Hearing (JCIH) recommends infants not passing their final hearing screen receive a comprehensive audiological evaluation (JCIH 2019) by an audiologist at time of diagnosis. A comprehensive audiological evaluation includes Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) and Tympanometry testing. However, some infants are reported by audiologists to only receive OAE testing at time of diagnosis, which is the same as a follow-up rescreen. This presentation will use data received in May of 2023 on infants born in 2021 from 34 jurisdictions funded under the CDC Cooperative Agreement DD20-2006 to review testing procedures completed at time of diagnosis. Of the 15,536 infants born in 2021 and reported as “No Hearing Loss” by an audiologist, 2,241 (14.4%) did not receive an ABR. Recategorizing these infants who do not receive an ABR to a final hearing screen impacts the EHDI benchmarks of screened by 1 month and diagnosis by 3 months. Recommendations for jurisdictions to promote comprehensive audiological testing procedures and accurate reporting will be included.

  • Participants will be able to describe best practice screening and audiological evaluation on infants not passing the newborn hearing screening.
  • Participants will learn the frequency of infants not receiving an Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) as part of the comprehensive audiological evaluation at time of diagnosis.
  • Participants will be able to describe the impact of limited audiometric testing at time of diagnosis on EHDI benchmarks.


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Kelly Dundon (Primary Presenter), Gentech Associates, kdundon@gentechassociates.com;
Kelly Dundon is a contractor with the CDC EHDI program. Prior to the CDC, Kelly was the state EHDI Coordinator for Georgia and was with the Georgia Department of Public Health for over 6 years. Kelly holds her Doctorate in Audiology and Masters in Public Health. Additionally, she is a board member of Georgia’s Hands & Voices Chapter and works as a pediatric audiologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.


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Suhana Ema serves as an epidemiologist with the CDC EHDI Team. She is responsible for analyzing EHDI data and disseminating findings with jurisdictional EHDI programs and partners. She also provides technical assistance to jurisdictional EHDI programs to improve their program and tracking and surveillance work. She holds Master of Public Health degree from the University of Georgia. Suhana was born with severe to profound hearing loss on both ears and wears hearing aids. She is fluent in American Sign Language and lipreads well.


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