2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


  |  Sloane


Hi, my name is Sloane and I’m 11 years old. I was born deaf and had cochlear implant surgery at 11 months old. Before I had the surgery, I wore hearing aids beginning at 3 months old. My family knew hearing aids wouldn’t benefit my speech, but I still wore them. I play 4 sports: soccer, flag football, softball and volleyball. Soccer is my favorite. I have found ways to make sure my MedEl processors stay secure. I wear a headband and tuck the magnets in my hair. As long as they are on, I can hear perfectly! If they ever fall off, I try to pick it up as I run, but if I can’t I’ll just finish the play and then go back to grab it. Yes, I’m that committed to sports! Hi, I’m Dana and I’m Sloane’s Mom. This is what early detection can achieve 10 years later. The focus isn’t the loss of hearing but the gain of a full life and for Sloane it’s sports! She was born at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Massachusetts. She failed her newborn hearing test which was confirmed with an ABR as a bilateral severe to profound loss when she was 2 weeks old. We began early intervention services which included sign language and speech therapy. Sloane received bilateral cochlear implant surgery with a MedEl device and 5 days after activation she looked at me signed “Mom” and said “Mum-Mum.” She hasn’t stopped talking since! The ability to receive early detection/intervention changed her life, and ours as a family in supporting her. We love her, are so proud of her, and are grateful to organizations like the EHDI.

  • Sloane's perspective
  • Early detection
  • Early intervention



CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Sloane Rubin (Co-Presenter,Author,Co-Author), MedEl / Self, srubes9@icloud.com;
Sloane is an 11 year old super star! She is a bilateral cochlear implant recipient with a MedEl device. She loves playing sports being with her friends!


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Dana Rubin (Primary Presenter,Co-Presenter,Author,Co-Author), MedEl / Self, dcorbs@gmail.com;
Dana is the mother to Sloane - a bilateral cochlear implant recipient. Sloane's hearing loss was detected by the newborn hearing screening. Sloane is a success story of how important early detection and intervention is.


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