2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


  |  Ask ‘Audrey O’Gram’ – A Pediatric Audiology Outreach Initiative for EHDI Stakeholders

Ask ‘Audrey O’Gram’ – A Pediatric Audiology Outreach Initiative for EHDI Stakeholders

N.J.A.C. 8:19-1.11(a)2 requires that children with permanent hearing loss, birth through age 21, residing in New Jersey, be reported to the New Jersey Birth Defects Registry (BDR). The BDR, a confidential, population-based database of children with specific health conditions, provides epidemiologic information and also initiates referral for community-based Case Management services. Each of New Jersey’s 21 counties contains a Special Child Health Services Unit staffed by Case Managers (CMs) , including a total of 24 nurses and 33 social workers. CMs promote access to preventive and primary care for children with special health care needs through provision of comprehensive, coordinated and culturally-competent services. JCIH 2007 states that successful EHDI programs require collaboration between a variety of public and private agencies and that all individuals providing services be knowledgeable about childhood hearing loss. As such, the NJEHDI Audiologist (aka: ‘Audrey O’Gram’), in collaboration with the NJAAP Health Data Specialist Consultant to the New Jersey Department of Health, Division of Family Health Services, developed a free, online outreach initiative focused on various pediatric hearing loss topics. The “Ask Audrey O’Gram” project consists of 7 components: • A live presentation to CMs to provide an overview of this educational initiative • Administration of an online pre-assessment tool (questions fashioned from ‘real-life’ situations encountered by CMs and children with hearing loss) • 10 monthly pediatric hearing loss related self-study training modules (including: topic overview, related case study, relevant resources and a multiple-choice case study question) • CM’s had one week to submit responses, with a winner’s certificate and prize awarded to the first correct respondent • Monthly CM follow-up emails providing the correct answer/explanation • Administration of a post-assessment tool, utilizing the same questions as the pre-assessment, to measure learning outcomes. • A live presentation to review findings and to reward the county unit with the highest monthly participation rate

  • Describe 3 key elements of a successful outreach initiative for stakeholders who provide services to children with hearing loss
  • List 3 assessment tools that can be used to measure learning outcomes from an EHDI outreach initiative
  • Identify 3 different topics related to pediatric hearing loss that would be relevant for 3 different target audiences

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Nancy Schneider (Primary Presenter,Author), NJ EHDI Program - NJ Department of Health, nancy.schneider@doh.nj.gov;
Nancy G. Schneider, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA, has served as the sole audiologist at the New Jersey EHDI program since its establishment at the New Jersey Department of Health. She received her M.A. degree in Audiology from the University of Maryland; her B.A. degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Montclair State College (now Montclair State University) and completed a Certificate Program in American Sign Language Studies at Union County College where she later served as an Adjunct Faculty Instructor. Miss Schneider is a licensed audiologist and hearing aid dispenser in New Jersey and received a gubernatorial appointment to serve on the Audiology and Speech Language Pathology Advisory Committee at the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (2004 to the present). Prior to joining NJ EHDI, Miss Schneider was the Senior Clinical Audiologist at The University Hospital - The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.


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Brittany Johnson (Author), NJ Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics , bjohnson@njaap.org;
Ms. Johnson has an MPH in Epidemiology from Rutgers University and currently is a Program Manager with the New Jersey Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (NJAAP) and serves as a Health Data Specialist Consultant to the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), Division of Family Health Services. Her role with both the NJAAP and NJDOH includes participation in a variety of public health initiatives designed to increase partnerships between children and youth with special health care needs and patient-centered medical homes. In her work with the NJ EHDI team, Ms. Johnson's efforts have enhanced collaboration between families, case management and medical homes in meeting national EHDI goals and reducing the number of children who are lost to follow-up.


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