2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH



3/07/2023  |   11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   |  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the EHDI Population   |  DECC 206

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the EHDI Population

We have emerging investments in building a more diverse and equitable system, however progress is slower than most of us would like. In addition, we often don’t know what we don’t know. But we want to learn! For the purposes of the presentation, diversity refers broadly to real or perceived physical or socio-cultural differences attributed to people and the representation of these differences. Equity refers to fairness in the treatment of people in terms of both opportunity and outcome. Inclusion refers to creating a culture that fosters belonging and incorporation of diverse groups opposing exclusion or marginalization. The session will discuss small changes that can make a big difference as we work with families that represent people of color, the LGBQT+ community, other marginalized populations. The presentation will provide tangible vetted resources, examples of quality improvement activities with outcome data, relatable examples for comprehension and an open format to ask questions in a space which supports grace for those wanting to learn more. The presenters will address short and long-term goals, targeted activities and opportunities for quantitative and qualitative measurement that assist the co-presenters (AKA attendees) in meeting their grant or cooperative agreement goals while improving the systems of care in states or jurisdictions.



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Cathy Lester (), cathy.lester63@gmail.com;
Cathy graduated in 1985 with a BA in Biology. She taught high school biology and math for then moved to Child Welfare at Home of the Innocents for 6 years and then moved to DCBS in CPS Investigations. She worked in investigations, family court, adoptions, and with medically fragile foster children. She joined the EHDI program at the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs in September 2011. As the EHDI Health Program Administrator, she works within KY CHILD and CCSHCN’s database to ensure accuracy of data, assist families and providers with information and programming technical assistance. She has her Master’s degree in Social Work and 35 hours post Master’s work. She has also taught Research and Statistics at Kent School of Social Work and Social Work Practice at Spalding School of Social Work.


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Daphne Miller (), Virginia EHDI, daphne.miller@vdh.virginia.gov;
Daphne Miller is currently the Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Health. The VA EHDI Program ensures all infant's hearing is screened at birth and if children are diagnosed with hearing loss they are referred to Early Intervention. Daphne has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and has worked with families and children over 15 years. In her spare time she enjoys binge watching shows, listening to music and spending time with family and friends. Daphne resides in Richmond, Virginia with her husband and daughter.


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Ginger Mullin (), Illinois Department of Public Health, ginger.mullin@illinois.gov;
Dr. Ginger Mullin has a Bachelor’s degree Communication Disorders. She also holds a Master’s and Doctoral degree in Audiology. She has worked in pediatric audiology and the EHDI system since 1995 and became Illinois’ EHDI coordinator in 2005. During that time she has been the principal investigator for both the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grants/ cooperative agreements. She has received specific training in pediatrics, public health, data management and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). As the EHDI Coordinator, Dr. Mullin has worked at the state and national level to promote newborn hearing screening, audiology diagnostics, targeted intervention, family-to-family support, stakeholder education and ongoing surveillance through age 3. She has presented regionally and nationally on pediatric assessment, amplification, the EHDI system of care, and partnering with families She has been part of the leadership teams for the Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC), EHDI-PALS, Virtual Site Visit Project (VSV), as well as the national EHDI Meeting. She has severed in many capacities, including the President for the Directors of Speech and Hearing Programs in State Health and Welfare Agencies. She is the co-leader of EHDI Chats a national forum for EHDI Coordinators to meet monthly and share seamlessly while stealing shamelessly from one another to enhance state programs. She has been nominated several time for the Antonio Maxon Award at the National EHDI Meeting and received the Seaver Vision Award. Dr. Mullin was also a key leader for the EHDI and GBYS program which received the Generating Real Action by Cultivating Engagement (GRACE) Award from Expecting Health and Baby’s First Test. Dr. Mullin sits on the Illinois Universal Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention to guide work for children with low-incidence sensory disabilities.


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