2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


  |  Real-Time Embedded Coaching, Helping Caregivers Help Their Children

Real-Time Embedded Coaching, Helping Caregivers Help Their Children

This course will provide coaching techniques for professionals working with parents and caregivers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Under the practices of IDEA it is suggested that support provided to families accessing Part C, Early Intervention, services should include a coaching model that uses a combination of “demonstration” and “return demonstration.” Real-time embedded coaching is a term applied to coaching a caregiver and providing suggestions, while he/she is engaged in an activity with a child rather than waiting until after the activity is over. The early interventionist is providing support to that caregiver in real time by making comments and suggestions throughout the activity. By doing so, the parent or primary caregiver is able to adjust his/her technique and incorporate suggestions immediately and thereby immediately see the impact of the suggestion. This also gives the coach an opportunity to verify for the caregiver what he/she is doing well and ensure the caregiver has understood the coach’s explanations and expectations. By watching the caregiver conduct the activity and implement the suggestions, the coach becomes immediately informed of what further modifications/suggestions are needed. Real-time embedded coaching, although very effective, requires the use of specific knowledge and techniques of the early interventionist. Many early interventionists shy away from using real-time embedded coaching during the return demonstration aspect of a parent-infant session, perhaps because they do not have the confidence or knowledge of the skills required to implement it. This course will describe “embedded coaching” during return demonstration, which has been found to be extremely effective in accelerating parents’ progress in acquiring skill in working with their children. All of the strategies and techniques provided throughout this session may be applied to working with families who have chosen Listening and Spoken Language or Sign Language. This presentation will describe for the participants, through lecture, discussion, video tape and video analysis, and interactive activities how to effectively implement return demonstration and real-time embedded coaching.

  • At the end of this session, participants will be able to list at least the three main components of a caregiver coaching session.
  • At the end of this session, participants will be able to define joint planning and reflection and feedback and list strategies for implements both.
  • At the end of this session, participants will be able to explain and demonstrate the principles of “real-time embedded coaching.”

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Betsy Moog Brooks (Primary Presenter), The Moog Center for Deaf Education, bbrooks@moogcenter.org;
Betsy Moog Brooks is the Executive Director of the Moog Center for Deaf Education. She received her Master degree in Speech and Hearing from Washington University and is certified in Deaf Education, Behavior Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Early Childhood Education, and is a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist. She holds a Doctorate of Education in Instructional Leadership with an emphasis in Andragogy, the study of adult learners. She has been in the field of early intervention for more than 35 years. Betsy is the author of the book, My Baby and Me: A Book About Teaching Your Child to Talk. She has lectured throughout the US, South America, and Europe. Betsy continues to provide direct child service and parent support to families with children birth to three. She has provided parent support through teleintervention for more than 10 years.


Financial -
• Receives Salary for Employment,Board membership from The Moog Center for Deaf Education.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


Financial -
Financial relationship with Moog Center for Deaf Education.
Nature: salary.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.