2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   10:10 AM - 10:35 AM   |  Deaf with Disabilities - Parent Professional Perspective   |  Mineral Hall F/G

Deaf with Disabilities - Parent Professional Perspective

An estimated 40% of all children who are deaf/hard of hearing have a secondary disabling condition listed on their IFSP, IEP or 504 documents, some more than that. Because most interventionists have not been trained to work with these children, they can present a special challenge. This presentation provides information regarding what struggles we see with these students today and down the road once they are in the classroom setting. The presenters will share some tips for early interventionists that can be used to enhance therapies for babies and toddlers as well as parent support. The presenters are both parents, one is a parent of a 19-year-old who has gone through early intervention and mainstream public school with comorbid ADHD and Deafness. The other presenter has a kindergarten child who has multiple medical and developmental needs. The presenters will go into depth about the needs of their children and how you can help. This session will include specific examples that the presenter’s families have faced and solutions that proved successful. If you have clients who have children with multiple needs, this is a great way to hear real life tips and tricks that worked for these families.

  • Participants will get a bird’s eye view of life with a child who is deaf and also has multiple disabilities.
  • Attendees will learn what types of interventions work best for these multi-challenged children.
  • Professionals will leave with background knowledge on deafness with other disabilities, how many are we talking about, what types could they see, etc.


Handout is not Available



Andrea Marwah (Primary Presenter), IL Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side, executivedirector@ilhandsandvoices.com;
Andrea Marwah received her BA degree in Psychology from North Central College. Since her daughter was diagnosed with hearing loss in 2002, she has taken a special interest in educating parents and professionals on matters concerning ADA, IDEA - special education rights, and advocacy for students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind. Andrea presents both locally and nationally on advocacy and IDEA; deafness with other disabilities; impact of deafness; socialization and many other topics surrounding parenting and working with children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing. She works for the Illinois School for the Deaf as an outreach trainer/consultant for families and professionals who work with children who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, low vision or deaf-blind. She is also a parent advocate supporting families in Illinois at their child’s IEP meeting or behind the scenes preparing them to attend the meeting and advocate themselves. Andrea is the Executive Director at Illinois Hands & Voices and has been a leader with them since 2010 and is a national trainer for the Hands & Voices ASTra Training Program and a member of the Hands & Voices speakers bureau. She works closely with Designated Service Coordinators providing group training and individual consulting. These are trained individuals who work directly with infants and toddlers in Illinois birth to three who have a diagnosis involving vision, hearing or a combination of both in her state early intervention program. Andrea works as a liaison with the Early Intervention Training Program on issues surrounding deafness and hearing loss. She sits on numerous committees both locally and nationally. Andrea also served for six years on the Advisory Commission on Disabilities in her hometown of Naperville, where she lives with her husband Ajay and children Samantha, Julia and Andrew.


Financial -
• Receives Speaker for Teaching and speaking from Hands & Voices.
• Receives Salary for Employment from IL School for the Deaf.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


Financial -
Financial relationship with Hands & Voices IL School for the Deaf Outreach.
Nature: I word for IL School for the Deaf, they may pay me to attend the conference (if approved), I work as requested by Hands & Voices, they will not pay me for this conference.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Amy Keslinke (Co-Presenter), Illinois Hands and Voices, amy.keslinke@ilhandsandvoices.com;
Amy Keslinke is an educator with experience teaching students from third grade into adulthood. When she learned during her second pregnancy that her son would be born with a congenital heart defect, she knew her life as a parent would be different than she expected. When he was diagnosed with severe-to-profound hearing loss at six months old and continued to pile on multiple other medical diagnoses before his first birthday, Amy’s passion for writing and teaching morphed into a special interest in empowering parents of children who are deaf with disabilities. Amy has presented at the state and national level and is a president of the Illinois Hands and Voices Board of Directors, providing unbiased support to parents of children who are deaf and hard of hearing, many of whom have additional disabilities as well. She is also an adjunct faculty member in the Adult Basic/Secondary Education program at Elgin Community College in Elgin, Illinois, and is working toward her masters degree in social work. She lives in Gilberts, Illinois, with her husband, Dan, and children, Emerie and Evan.


Financial -
• Receives Salary for Employment,Teaching and speaking from Elgin Community College.
• Receives Salary for Independent contractor from Illinois Hands and Voices Guide By Your Side.
• Receives Salary for Independent contractor from Illinois Service Resource Center.
• Receives Salary for Employment,Teaching and speaking from Northwestern Illinois Association.

Nonfinancial -
• Has a Personal (Board of Directors Member) relationship for Board membership.
• Has a Personal (Parent of student) relationship for Other volunteer activities.


Financial -
Financial relationship with Illinois Hands and Voices Guide By Your Side Illinois Service Resource Center Northwestern Illinois Association Elgin Community College.
Nature: Employment, independent contracting, board of directors membership.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.