2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   3:30 PM - 3:55 PM   |  Outreach and Support for Families Beyond the Clinical Setting   |  Mineral A

Outreach and Support for Families Beyond the Clinical Setting

The clinical team serving D/deaf and hard of hearing children and their families at Boston Children’s Hospital is comprised of hearing and deaf professionals in the fields of audiology, otology, neuropsychology, and speech-language pathology. The team provides clinical evaluations and follow-ups to identify children’s needs and strengths. Addressing the “whole child” helps keep the child’s developmental growth on track, bolsters families, and widens horizons. The team has a dedicated outreach program that aims to organize D/deaf and hard of hearing resources and community-based events, foster relationships that promote acceptance of one’s identity regardless of language or technology, and empower D/deaf and hard of hearing individuals. The outreach program provides support to children and their families outside of the clinical scope. We make referrals to other local and national organizations and disseminate information regarding assistive devices, educational materials, and specialized materials. We interact closely with schools, organizations, and agencies to ensure we are caring for the whole child. Simultaneously, the family-centered events strengthen our partnerships with community organizations which benefit from expanding their programming to meet the needs of D/deaf and hard of hearing children. Interaction among families during these events occurs through all modalities of communication, demonstrating respect for and encouraging access to language and information, as well as positive interaction for families and opportunities to meet other D/deaf and hard of hearing children. The presenter will describe how to build effective family-focused outreach models for children ages 0-5, strategies with outcomes, parent testimonials, and sharing national and international resources that may be of benefit for all providers and families.

  • Define the scope and impact that role models have on young children
  • Demonstrate successful outreach efforts beyond clinical services
  • Define the types of support young children and families need during their formative years

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Katie Prins McCarthy (Primary Presenter), Boston Children's Hospital, katie.mccarthy@childrens.harvard.edu;
Katie McCarthy is the Outreach and Support Services Coordinator for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at Boston Children's Hospital. She oversees family-centered events, educational training needs, parent workshops and program development needs. Katie has been involved in the human services and healthcare sectors for over twenty years, first in marketing and management and currently in outreach and accessibility.


Financial -
• Receives Salary for Employment from Boston Children's Hospital.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


Financial -
Financial relationship with Boston Children's Hospital.
Nature: None.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.