2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   11:30 AM - 11:55 AM   |   "Being a Child who is DHH is Not Always Easy. Neither is Being Their Sibling"   |  Mineral A

"Being a Child who is DHH is Not Always Easy. Neither is Being Their Sibling"

Supporting families of DHH children can sometimes be limited to the parents and the DHH child themselves. What about the siblings?! In this presentation we will interview young adults and teens about their experiences with DHH and DHH plus siblings. This will be a raw, empowering, and honoring educational experience. Providers and parent leaders will walk away with a better understanding of the sibling experience as well as different ways to support siblings of DHH children in both family-to-family direct support and through chapter events.

  • Describe 2 examples of needs of siblings of children who are DHH.
  • Name 2 benefits for family support intentionally targeting the needs of siblings of children who are DHH.
  • Identify 2 strategies for how to engage siblings in early intervention and parent support services.


Handout is not Available



Amanda Hvass (Primary Presenter), Hands & Voices of Oregon , amanda@positive-impact-consulting.com;
Amanda is a mother of three boys, one of which is Deaf plus. Having experienced the EHDI system as a parent, she now as a Guide By Your Side Coordinator leads the program and collaborates with professionals in the field. With special interest in collaboration, she works with the Oregon EHDI team, their Advisory Committee, Hands & Voices and her local school district to promote healthy connections and successful children. She holds a certification in Performance Coaching and working with teams for healthy outcomes within their organization or business.


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Beth Jones (Co-Presenter), Nevada Hands & Voices, bethj@nvhandsandvoices.org;
Beth Jones is the Executive Director and Programs Coordinator at Nevada Hands & Voices. Prior to beginning a family, Beth earned her master’s degree in Special Education and worked as an Autism Teacher and Behavior Mentor Teacher. Beth became involved with Hands & Voices when two of her three children were identified as being deaf/hard of hearing and has been a part of Nevada Hands & Voices since 2012. She serves on many state-wide and national committees, teams, and advisory boards as a parent leader to help advocate and support children who are deaf/hard of hearing.


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Taylor Hvass (Co-Presenter), Hands &Voices of Oregon, hvasstaylor@gmail.com;
Taylor Hvass is a sophmore in high school and lives in Eugene, Oregon. He has two younger brothers, one of which is Deaf Plus. Taylor enjoys public speaking, running cross country, and being with friends.


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