2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


  |  “SALAM”: An Open Door Approach to serve Diverse Muslim families of children who are DHH. What to do after the door is open?

“SALAM”: An Open Door Approach to serve Diverse Muslim families of children who are DHH. What to do after the door is open?

As practitioners, many of us provide services to families who are Muslim and have children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Once we get in the door, then what? Muslim families come from a variety of rich linguistic, cultural, regional, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. There are distinct correlations and differences between religious (Islam) and familial beliefs and cultural practices. This session will equip practitioners to work with Muslim families using social, religious, and cultural best practices. Through interactive discussions, role plays, and real-life scenarios, participants will be given a unique view into a different culture and tools to support Muslim families and children in accessing interventions and education through equity and inclusivity.

  • The participants will examine Islamic views on disability, acceptance, and inclusion and how to use this knowledge to better serve Muslim families.
  • The participants will be able to identify the religious and cultural diversity of Muslim families and the impact on early identification and intervention.
  • The participants will develop religiously and culturally sensitive best practices and tools to utilize with Muslim families in their EDHI system.


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Djenne-amal Morris (Primary Presenter), Hands & Voices HQ, djennemorris@gmail.com ;
Djenne-amal N. Morris, BA Djenne-amal N. Morris, BA brings passion, humor, and real-life experience to her role as a national and international parent/professional trainer, facilitator, and motivational speaker whose view of the world is not as it is, but as it could be. As a mother of an amazing son with CHARGE Syndrome, she strives to build an atmosphere of support and empowerment for families of children with special needs and the professionals who serve them. This has led to her career working with families of children with special needs in various roles as Women’s Ministry Leader, and Family Specialist for the New England and North Carolina Deaf-Blind Projects, Parent Educator. She currently is the Family Faculty Advisor for the NC-LEND program at UNC-Chapel Hill and President of the Board of Directors for Hands & Voices Headquarters. Djenne is committed to creating an atmosphere of diversity wherever she goes. She received her certification in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion from Cornell University and does consulting and training professionally. Djenne and her husband Michael of 30 years have 3 children. Malik, 26 a graduate of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf. He is independent and living his best life in a group home for Deaf young men. Imani, 27, is a future MPH focusing on Maternal and Child Health. Her youngest Zakiya, 21, is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and a future Audiologist. Djenne and Michael is enjoying their empty nest by traveling, growing their consulting business, and enjoying evening wine on the porch! Please visit her website:(www.todaywithdjenne.com)


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Rana Otallah (Co-Presenter), Co-founder/Co-ED of AMAANA: American Muslims for Acceptance, Advocacy, and Nurturing Acceptance, yahoo;
A dedicated Special Education Advocate, who interacts effectively with individuals and parents of children with disabilities, schools, districts, and the State Department of Education to ensure Free and Appropriate Education for students with disabilities and appropriate home and community services. Passionate about Deaf Education reform, and Language access for diverse populations in the Greater New Orleans Area, and around the state of Louisiana. Highlights -Special Education Advisory Panel Member (SEAP) – LDOE (2013-2017) -Commissioner for the Deaf (2016- present) - Deaf Education Alliance Chair (2016-2017) -MFP Task Force member 2014 -Louisiana Hands and Voices advisory board member (2014-present) -Partners in Policy Making 2013 Graduate - Driving force behind Act 250- Deaf Child Bill of Rights Amendment - A member of the Louisiana ESSA advocacy group that advises and monitors state implementation plans. - Faculty members of “ Collaborate for students with unique communication needs grant”, as a parent advocate presenting on federal and state laws and regulations (2016-present). - Executive Board member of MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Supporting Special Education Needs) Accomplishments -Created ASTra manual for DHH student advocates. -Trained parent guides about effective advocacy -Driving force behind amending Louisiana Deaf Child Bill of Rights ACT 250 of 2015 -As a SEAP member, I was able to educate LDOE about the need for Advocates to have an active role at IEP meetings. As a result, LDOE changed its policy and is now considering Educational Advocates as equal members at IEP team meetings. - A member of a stakeholder group who advocated for and developed an original and updated “Tools for Developing Communication Plan” for Louisiana students with different communication needs.


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