2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/18/2024  |   1:55 PM - 2:20 PM   |  Hands & Voices Family Support Activities Guide; Aligning with the CYSHCN Blueprint for Change   |  Mineral Hall B/C

Hands & Voices Family Support Activities Guide; Aligning with the CYSHCN Blueprint for Change

This presentation highlights the significance, advantages and enhancements to the Hands & Voices Family Support Activities Guide, a resource designed to assist families with children who are deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH). Offering a comprehensive range of family support activities that empower families, helping them navigate challenges effectively. The Family Support Activities Guide provides supporting activities aligning with the four critical areas included in the MCHB HRSA CYSHCN Blueprint for Change (health equity, quality of life/well-being, access to services, financing of services). Included in the Guide are potential family learning activities to assist families with reaching desired developmental outcomes for their children, including language and literacy. Language and Literacy Support: Recognizing the importance of this topic, the guide highlights activities that support Language & Literacy understanding and development. Inclusivity: The guide highlights and incorporates resources available in various spoken languages. Ensuring that families from diverse backgrounds can access and benefit from the support activities offered. Empowerment: The Family Support Activities Guide empowers families to take an active role in their child's development journey. It offers practical, easy-to-follow activities and resources that equip families with the tools they need to support their child's needs effectively. Comprehension: The guide begins each construct with the related questions created by the IFSE (Impact of Family Support and Engagement) Learning Community that measure the impact of family-to-family support for families with children who are D/HH based on the learning outcomes of that construct. The Family Support Activities Guide is a valuable resource for EHDI stakeholders and FBOs. It not only aligns with the Blueprint for Change but also prioritizes language and literacy support while embracing diversity. By utilizing this guide, families can navigate the challenges they are experiencing with improved well-being leading to confidence and competence in raising their children who are D/HH.

  • Participants can explain the significance of the family support activities supporting the Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs (CYSHCN) Blueprint for Change goals and how the activities can be applied so that families of children who are D/HH receive comprehensive and evidence-based support.
  • Participants will be able to identify how the Family Support Activities Guide provides resources and activities that foster family engagement in language and literacy skills for their children who are D/HH.
  • Participants will recognize ways in which they can use this guide to support the diverse needs of the families in their state/territory.

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Carrie Balian (Co-Presenter), Illinois Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side, cbalian6@outlook.com;
Carrie Balian is a mother of five children. Her oldest son, Jack, was born deaf. She is the Coordinator of her state Guide By Your Side (GBYS) program and has presented to groups nationwide and co-authored several publications. She currently serves as a member on the Illinois Universal Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and the Illinois Hands & Voices board. Carrie also works with Hands & Voices HQ as a Region V Coordinator and as the GBYS Program Lead. She is a graduate of the Hands & Voices L2L (Leadership to Leadership) program. Carrie has also been recognized and awarded most recently with the 2022 Family Leadership award for her support, commitment, and leadership within the field. Ms. Balian was part of the leadership team which was awarded the Generating Real Action by Cultivating Engagement (GRACE) Award from Expecting Health and Baby’s First Test.


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Lisa Kovacs (Primary Presenter,Co-Presenter), Hands & Voices , lisakovacs@handsandvoices.org ;
Lisa Kovacs is the Director of Programs for Hands & Voices Headquarters and the Director of the Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. She and her husband Brian have four young adult children including her son who is hard of hearing/deaf. Lisa was the 2019 Antonio Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence recipient. Her professional interest include; Parent Advocacy; Implementation of parent participation and engagement in systems building; Parent to Parent support; Deaf Education Reform; IDEA, ESSA, Part C and Part B Training to Parents, and Parent Leadership Training and Development.


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