2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   9:40 AM - 10:05 AM   |  Cornerstones for Kindergarten Readiness   |  Mineral A

Cornerstones for Kindergarten Readiness

What information is available for parents, families, early educators (i.e., caregivers) on hearing, vision, and communication development? Do they feel confident in their knowledge of vision, hearing, communication and language milestones? Do they know where to start? The Cornerstones for Kindergarten Readiness Project was conceptualized to enhance programs such as Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education; by offering modules that are accessible, interactive, and educational in the following development areas: Communication, Language, Hearing, and Vision- for parents and professionals to use. These tools are meant to educate and empower caregivers to monitor and support child development within these areas. The modules provide confidence for caregivers to advocate for children's needs. This can improve timely identification and intervention, leading to well rounded development for children and kindergarten readiness.

  • Participants will be able to identify the benefits of self-guided online resources to support for Home Visiting programs; Early Intervention and Early Childhood Programs.
  • Participants will be able to describe typical development in each of the domains.
  • Participants will be able to state at least two demographics that would benefit from on demand learning modules which may reduce the effects of systemic disparities.





Claire Conrady (Primary Presenter,Author), Tri County Special Education Association , claire.conrady@gmail.com;
Claire Conrady is native to Lincoln, Illinois, where she currently resides. She attended Eastern Illinois University to receive her Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences as well as her Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology. She is an ISHA and ASHA member and loves learning any and all information regarding speech pathology (Enneagram Type 5)! Her favorite areas to treat include phonological processes as well as expressive/receptive language disorders! She currently works for Tri County Special Education Association where she services four schools, preschool through eighth grade.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


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Financial relationship with Illinois Hands & Voices.
Nature: Illinois Hands & Voices is funded by support of Illinois EHDI.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Hanna Swearinger (Co-Presenter,Author,Co-Author), Illinois Hands & Voices GBYS, hswearinger.gbys@gmail.com;
Hanna Swearinger is the mother of two boys, the youngest has bilateral hearing loss and wears hearing aids. She currently lives in Central Illinois with her husband of over 10 years and their children. She is a Parent Guide with Illinois Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side. Hanna’s lifelong passion is advocating for and supporting others. Her professional background is in mental health and case management for adults with developmental disabilities. She has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Vermont in Psychology and Sociology.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


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Financial relationship with Illinois Hands & Voices .
Nature: Illinois Hands & Voices is funded through Illinois EHDI.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Carrie Balian (Co-Presenter,Author,Co-Author), Illinois Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side, cbalian6@outlook.com;
Carrie Balian is a mother of five children. Her oldest son, Jack, was born deaf. She is the Coordinator of her state Guide By Your Side (GBYS) program and has presented to groups nationwide and co-authored several publications. She currently serves as a member on the Illinois Universal Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and the Illinois Hands & Voices board. Carrie also works with Hands & Voices HQ as a Region V Coordinator and as the GBYS Program Lead. She is a graduate of the Hands & Voices L2L (Leadership to Leadership) program. Carrie has also been recognized and awarded most recently with the 2022 Family Leadership award for her support, commitment, and leadership within the field. Ms. Balian was part of the leadership team which was awarded the Generating Real Action by Cultivating Engagement (GRACE) Award from Expecting Health and Baby’s First Test.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Ginger Mullin (Co-Presenter,Author,Co-Author), Illinois Department of Public Health, ginger.mullin@illinois.gov;
Dr. Ginger Mullin has a Bachelor’s degree Communication Disorders. She also holds a Master’s and Doctoral degree in Audiology. She has worked in pediatric audiology and the EHDI system since 1995 and became Illinois’ EHDI coordinator in 2005. During that time she has been the principal investigator for both the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grants/ cooperative agreements. She has received specific training in pediatrics, public health, data management and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). As the EHDI Coordinator, Dr. Mullin has worked at the state and national level to promote newborn hearing screening, audiology diagnostics, targeted intervention, family-to-family support, stakeholder education and ongoing surveillance through age 3. She has presented regionally and nationally on pediatric assessment, amplification, the EHDI system of care, and partnering with families She has been part of the leadership teams for the Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC), EHDI-PALS, Virtual Site Visit Project (VSV), as well as the national EHDI Meeting. She has severed in many capacities, including the President for the Directors of Speech and Hearing Programs in State Health and Welfare Agencies. She is the co-leader of EHDI Chats a national forum for EHDI Coordinators to meet monthly and share seamlessly while stealing shamelessly from one another to enhance state programs. She has been nominated several time for the Antonio Maxon Award at the National EHDI Meeting and received the Seaver Vision Award. Dr. Mullin was also a key leader for the EHDI and GBYS program which received the Generating Real Action by Cultivating Engagement (GRACE) Award from Expecting Health and Baby’s First Test. Dr. Mullin sits on the Illinois Universal Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention to guide work for children with low-incidence sensory disabilities.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


Financial -
Financial relationship with Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program .
Nature: The EHDI program is funded by HRSA and CDC.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.