2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   11:00 AM - 11:25 AM   |  Don't Forget The Fun: Turning Real Life Events Into Powerful Learning Field Trips!   |  Capitol 4

Don't Forget The Fun: Turning Real Life Events Into Powerful Learning Field Trips!

We have all heard it said (or have even given the advise ourselves), "...Enjoy your baby..." but an initial diagnosis of hearing loss often puts that on hold! Many parents say "...it will have to wait until ..." For families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children who are in the early stages of the journey, there are too many competing factors - appointments, testing, technology, research and decisions that need to be made - just to name a few. Where can you find time to just have fun? What does that fun look like? During this pivotal time, we need to not loose sight of those routine activities that families participate in everyday that can also become powerful learning opportunities for children and are FUN! How can Early Intervention providers coach and professionals support families to put the fun back into an "old fashion family activity/fieldtrip". Come and get your "Passport to Fun"! Share some time with us as we explore the endless possibilities - think going for groceries, gardening, making a snack or getting an oil change. How about a walk in the park where science comes to life for a toddler? We all have special memories of those times spent with family when something unexpected, and probably unplanned, happened. Oh, what fun we had! Our Deaf and Hard of Hearing children deserve those moments too. What a bonus it is when your village is there to guide you to make the absolute most of each one! Join us to share ideas and resources to support families and caregivers so they can "enjoy their baby" with some powerful learning sandwiched in!

  • Participants will define the parallels between family activities and how they can be powerful learning opportunities.
  • Participants will identify ways to incorporate technology use in "real world" settings even with our youngest children
  • Participants will identify coaching tips to share with other caregivers and family members to expand opportunities for infants and toddlers to learning and practice.

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Sharon Walsh Taylor (Primary Presenter), Choices For Children, swalsht@email.unc.edu;
Mary Ann Stefko earned a master's of education in counselor education and a Bachelor of Science degree in communication disorders from Pennsylvania State University. In addition to 20 years teaching experience, she has extensive experience in educational interpreting. She has worked with deaf and hard-of-hearing children from the birth to high school levels in residential and mainstream educational settings. Mary Ann is an adjunct professor in the World Languages and Cultures Department at the University of Scranton and an instructor at the Geisinger School of Medicine. She is a frequent presenter at workshops and training programs related to deafness and hearing loss for parents, educators and the business community across Pennsylvania. Her passion is Early Intervention, focusing on providing instruction to children and coaching to families in the Infant Toddler program.


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Tara Nikou (Co-Presenter), Choices For Children, tnikou@wpsd.org;
Since 2003, Tara has been working with D/HH children (birth to three) and their families as an Early Intervention Teacher and Program Coordinator of the Choices for Children program. Tara coaches families in their own homes to help understand their child’s hearing loss and shows best practices to prepare their child for language learning and the transition to pre-school. Tara also serves as Coordinator for the on-site Toddler Group program at WPSD. Prior to working at WPSD, Tara was a classroom teacher at Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and at Miller Elementary school in Pittsburgh, PA. Tara Nikou received her Bachelor’s Degree in Deaf Education and Elementary Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and her Master’s Degree from the University of Pittsburgh in Early Intervention.


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• Receives Salary for Employment from Western PA School for the Deaf.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


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Financial relationship with Western PA School for the Deaf.
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