2025 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 9-11, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA


3/19/2024  |   1:45 PM - 2:10 PM   |  Get Social: How Non-Profits and Agencies Can Utilize Social Media to Increase Engagement   |  Capitol 3

Get Social: How Non-Profits and Agencies Can Utilize Social Media to Increase Engagement

People aren’t just on social media to connect with friends. They’re there to learn about the world, to be informed, or to make connections. Social media is a powerful tool for stakeholder relationship-building, audience engagement, and community building, offering a cost-effective option for interactive two-way communication with large and geographically-dispersed audiences. Your success on social media will be determined by your goals. Do you want to inspire families, inform parents & professionals, increase awareness, connect people, fundraise, or recruit volunteers? Posting content that entertains, informs, or inspires with a powerful call-to-action is a valuable way to garner interest and follow-through for your agency or non-profit. Engaging with individuals in your community is easier than ever before, including families from underserved populations in the EHDI system. The average time a person spends on Social Media per day is 2.5 hours. By learning how to effectively market yourself, you can improve your communications to share helpful resources and services with your families and stakeholders and grow your “brand recognition” to engage a larger online community.

  • Learn how social media platforms can increase your reach and impact to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and/or your stakeholders (i.e., building trust within your community, driving people to your website, provide real-time engagement with your audience).
  • Explore tips, strategies, and best practices for building, maintaining, and fostering engagement on social media platforms for your organization or agencies, maximizing your efforts for impact.
  • Introduce the concept of a social media strategy and provide templates for implementation.





Terri Patterson (Primary Presenter), Hands & Voices, terri@handsandvoices.org;
Terri Patterson is the Director of Chapter Support for Hands & Voices, Coordinator of the H&V Leadership-to-Leadership (L2L) Program, and a member of the core management team for Hands & Voices Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. Her passion stems from her family, specifically her son who was born profoundly deaf in 1999. Through her personal experiences raising, supporting and advocating for her son, as well as navigating the systems that support children who are D/HH, she provides perspective, herself, as a hard of hearing adult. Her leadership skills continue to grow as she trains and provides technical assistance to over 50 Hands & Voices Chapters and efforts across North America through one-on-one training, leadership development, state and national conference presentations and national organizational engagement with NAD, NCDB, HRSA.


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Brooke Montgomery (Co-Presenter), Hands & Voices, brooke@handsandvoices.org;
Brooke is the Social Media Manager for Hands & Voices Headquarters. She oversees and creates content for multiple social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Brooke is passionate about creating personal connections through the use of images and video in social media. Brooke began her H & V career at the state chapter level as a Guide for Kentucky Hands & Voices; she is the proud parent of 3 boys, including her 8 year old that is Deaf Plus.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.


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No relevant financial relationship exists.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.